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Song Of The Day 69





I'm looking forward to 2009.


I don't know... why.


It's strange to me. A realistic pessimist, thinking the future is bright?


I guess it's somehow natural after all the #### the last 365 days brought. And you know it brought a lot at me.


After June's Plunge Into Heck and November's Road of Misery (yes, I'm starting to title events in my life), 2009 doesn't look like it could get worse.


Maybe I'll make enemies, maybe I'll face death, depression, loss of things I cherish. But won't with each of them I'll make friends, see life, happiness, and gain things to cherish more?


I don't know what's with the positivity, but I guess it's because I'm looking forward the next five hundred, twenty-five thousand, six hundred minutes of my life.


Seasons of Love by RENT




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Ark: good to hear you're starting off the year with a positive outlook. To tell the truth, I am too. 2008 brought humongous changes to my life, even to the point of transforming my paradigm of the universe. I ended up losing what I saw as two of the most important things in my life, my fiancée and my faith, in one fell swoop. From that point on, the swift pace of change in both my personal life and in the world at large has been dizzying at times. But it's all been the most wonderful adventure, and I regret none of it. To me, 2008 has been only a prelude to what is yet to come in 2009 and beyond.


Here's to us and a rip-roaring new year!


<o> <o>

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To be technical, it's closer to five hundred, twenty-nine thousand, two hundred minutes, considering the estimated six hours only accounted for every four years on leap day. :D

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Hey, I'm posting on BZP. Oh my gosh! Haha.


I'm glad your view on the year is starting out good. It shows a good change in your life, in your mindset, and in your heart. And you're stronger and better for the trials you went through last year. Let's just hope that those same trials aren't as dramatic this year...:P


I'm trying to start out the year with an optimistic view. But after 2008 being so amazing (even though there were some very difficult parts), I'm not so sure any year will ever be able to top it. But hopefully I'll get proven wrong, as usual. :)

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