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Tarix, Vorox, And Gresh. A Long Review Of All Three!

gali nuva mistika


No pictures, sorry. :(


Oh so pretty. My dad would only let me get three, so I chose Tarix, Vorox and Gresh. Boy, did I make the right decision. let me start off by saying that gresh is my favorite of the three. The new 2009 hands are


very nice, and are longer than older ones. The thornax are much smaller in person, and do not fit into their launchers perfectly, but well enough to be functional and fun. I'd say all three have pretty good color


schemes, disregarding the blue and red pins everywhere, and that one problem I have with Tarix is that hs hands and feet are mata blue, while all other blue on his body is metru blue, it isn't that noticeable on


his hands, but it really makes his feet stick out, and I intend to replace them. (As I cannot replace his hands anyway). Vorox's helmet/mask thing is smaller in person, and leaves his mouth open, which looks


kinda cool. Gresh and Tarix's helmet/masks look very nice and cover their entire face. I would prefer more lime green and less black on Gresh, but that is easily replaceable. The new heads do look like iron man


and a gorilla, and I like the nostrils as it makes the glatorian look bestial. Speaking of bestial, Vorox is extremely primitive-looking when his body is bent over. If you angle his head downwards just the right


amount, he looks extremely voracious, like he is about to attack, of course, male and female Vorox do exist, but I have chosen mine to be male. :P The one thing I do not like about him is that on his arms and


legs, because they use 3 pins instead of 2 pins, on the back where there is no armor, there is 1 peg of a blue pin sticking out. His tail is rather high, but if you angle his body over, it isn't noticeable and can be


beneficial. Now, looking at Tarix, his weapons and vibrant color scheme really catch the eye, and I like the fact that his thornax and launcher actually match his color scheme well, making it a more welcomed


part of the set. He seems to be a bit goofy, though, with those bright blue feet against a dark blue color sheme, and like I stated before, unless you really dwell on it, the hands are barely prominent. Out of them


all, Tarix really screams "Main protagonist" to me. Maybe it's the lime green eyes. Maybe it's the vibrant color scheme. Maybe it's both. Looking at Gresh, the first thing I noticed was the undeniably large fin-like


blades he possesses. I think they look better with one on each hand, rather than formed as a sheild, as it makes him look more menacing. No matter how defiant and rogue he may look, we do learn from the


comics he is indeed a "good guy," so I like this more eerily-themed hero profile. There are many poses you can put him in that simply make him stand out as heroic, and I'd say he seems like the bravest and


most outgoing one of all. Now, looking at him, I counted only 18 new/recolored pieces, although Tarix and Vorox had 24-25. He has a little too much black for my tastes, and his entire torso seems to be themed


of it. I am planning on replacing his black upper limb pieces with metru green ones, and possibly his entire torso, although I will have to see if that overwhelms the lime. If it does, I could always order a lime


green inika torso and hips off bricklink... Anyway, his mask is very sleek, and I am loving this entire claw-theme he has going on, including the shoulder armor. Now, many have been complaining about the


gaping hole in his chest, but there really isn't one. The majority of it is either covered by pieces or hidden so that you would almost have to be perpendicular to his side to tell. It also makes him look bulkier, as


he is a rather slim set, keeping with that old, familiar, agile and lanky le-character we all know and love. They all have simplistic builds, but there were a few twists I did not expect, and they did add a little


wonder to buiding these rare new sets. I tried the game, and it sucked, but I like the extra bulk on their backs and I am too lazy to remove them. I am liking the new variations on inika builds and can't wait to


see what lego will come up with next. Good job guys, good job. I hope this helped you buyers ut there somehow. :)

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Aren't they great? I already have them.

I have: Malum, Vorox, Gresh, Strakk, Tarix, Zesk, Tarduk, Malum, and Berix.


I'm missing: Skrall, Raanu, Atakus, Tuma, Fero & Skrimix


I'm a very lucky person, aren't I?


Lol, yes,yes you are. my dad refused to let me pay for them with my on monay so I could get more. i think hedoesn't want me obsessing over them. Too late.



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