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Jedi Gali


So this afternoon my brother (Israeli Toa) left for his final semester of college. I love it when he's home, so naturally, he leaves and... I get sad. I don't know if I'm just weird, but maybe those of you who have older brothers understand. But break seemed so short and now, it's nearly over. At least school starts Tuesday so I'll get to see some friends again.


Ah well. People grow up, and leave, and eventually get married. (I cannot even imagine that! Well, I can, but it's just strange.) I just hope IT comes home before spring break... I'll be okay, though.


:kaukau: -JG


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My brother left last night [well, this morning at 12:45 AM] as well. He's in his Junior Year right now. I share your sorrow. :(

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Well, I don't have an Older Brother, (In fact I AM the older Brother... :P ) but I can understand how you feel, when someone your close to leaves. (Sisterly Love... (does that ring a bell? :P ))

Well, I hope you'll feel better about it soon!


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Wow, I know how you feel about that. Even though I don't have an older sibling, my dad sometimes has to travel the country. I hope you feel better, and hey you can always PM him on BZP!

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