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Elves Are People Too



Look at the number of comments on the recent entries, then look at you.


The problem isn't me.




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Dude, hand me that copy of Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal before the lame plot and ugly puppets kill your blog comments any more than they already did.


I'm sorry, Dok. Don't go abusing me for my misdirection. NEVER SHALL I STRAY FROM BRACKET OOFIZZLE CUBED.

So weird of you to say that... I gave that to my dad on DVD for Christmas because he's into it... he made us watch it... and I wanted to kill myself

That makes me very coincidentally epic, right? :P


Once these girls at my school asked my friend Ben to tell them a story sarcastically and he ended up dramatically presenting the plot of that movie to them. And they thought he was crazy. And I told them it was a real movie.


lol but noice coincidence, right? :P

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no i haven't


because i'm not 5'9" and 120 pounds playing video games in the basement all day or building computers :)

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no i haven't


because i'm not 5'9" and 120 pounds playing video games in the basement all day or building computers :)

You don't have to be smart to be video games except the ones you have to be smart to play.

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no i haven't


because i'm not 5'9" and 120 pounds playing video games in the basement all day or building computers :)

You don't have to be smart to be video games except the ones you have to be smart to play.

Yeah Dok you don't have to be smart to play videogames except the ones Like Brain Age :).




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Guest kopakanuva13


Pfft. There's too much elf stereotyping these days. Everyone expects them to be expert archers who bake cookies in trees ;_;


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Well sometimes they're short.


And sometimes they're really really tall.


But never any medium elves.




cause i thought you was a medium elves


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Well sometimes they're short.


And sometimes they're really really tall.


But never any medium elves.




cause i thought you was a medium elves

I'm shorter then my younger brother.


Provided, I'm not that short, and my brother is kinda tallish.

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Well sometimes they're short.


And sometimes they're really really tall.


But never any medium elves.




cause i thought you was a medium elves

I'm shorter then my younger brother.


Provided, I'm not that short, and my brother is kinda tallish.

So I guess you are an Elf, which indirectly makes you a people, making exactly no changes at all.

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Well sometimes they're short.


And sometimes they're really really tall.


But never any medium elves.




cause i thought you was a medium elves

I'm shorter then my younger brother.


Provided, I'm not that short, and my brother is kinda tallish.

So I guess you are an Elf, which indirectly makes you a people, making exactly no changes at all.

That doesn't make any sense at all.


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Well sometimes they're short.


And sometimes they're really really tall.


But never any medium elves.




cause i thought you was a medium elves

I'm shorter then my younger brother.


Provided, I'm not that short, and my brother is kinda tallish.

So I guess you are an Elf, which indirectly makes you a people, making exactly no changes at all.

That doesn't make any sense at all.

He's a elf katie. :wacko:


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Well sometimes they're short.


And sometimes they're really really tall.


But never any medium elves.




cause i thought you was a medium elves

I'm shorter then my younger brother.


Provided, I'm not that short, and my brother is kinda tallish.

So I guess you are an Elf, which indirectly makes you a people, making exactly no changes at all.

That doesn't make any sense at all.

He's a elf katie. :wacko:


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