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Okay, Seriously.



You guys don't want me to leave, yet when I try to post stuff in my blog, I get like, snot's worth in feedback?


This is silly, this little clunky machine that is Bzp's social system.


*Rant switch is flipped*


It's pathetic. Just pathetic.


What do I have to do, claim to be a girl of pretty age and proper behaivor to get any sort of recognition in my blog? All I ever get are a few petty comments that consist of maybe a sentence or two. How is it that people like Wrack or Exo can post completely idiotic horse ###### and still get a wealth of replies and attention while I'm over here in my corner, posting the occasional entry that usually shows insight into my life or my works.


Yes, I know I am going over the top here- but it's a rant about an issue that I find works for all Bzp.


What is it that I have or lack that makes it so nobody around here even does much in the way of talk to me?


I don't want stardom, I don't want to be a Bzp Idol. I just want the occasional PM or profile comment telling me "hello" or asking me "what's up?" and some encouraging feedback.


THis might not be such a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that Bzp plays a fair role in my social because I homeschool and all my real friends are a pain in the ###### to get a hold of.


Again, I know I'm being somewhat illogical here. People love my art when I feel compelled to post samples and my Transformer RPGs have always been popular- but I just want some recognition, for God's sake.



Fun fact: It's the sort of ###### above that I just threw at you that is the REAL reason why I wanted to leave Bzp- because I just feel like it's a BIG waste of my time.


I'm going to post a collaberation of my drawings tommorow and I hope to get some sort of general response from the crowd. If I don't, well then that's just sad that all of you are happy living off the gunk some of these people churn out daily.


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It's the internet. It thrives on nonsense and spontaneity.


Figured that out already XD


But still. C'mon. Screw the system and screw what they want. People on Bzp are either going to respond to the stuff I post or I'm just gonna pack up and blow this junkwad.

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Last time I checked, acting smug and arrogant and criticizing the very people you're begging for the attention of isn't the best way to get that attention you're so desperate for.


Funny that you're so pained that you don't have the adulation of a place you call a "junkwad." Makes me wonder who the real junkwad is.


Just sayin'

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It's the internet. It thrives on nonsense and spontaneity.


Figured that out already XD


But still. C'mon. Screw the system and screw what they want.

Are honestly telling me you're not going to finish this statement?

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I feel for you, bro. It's tough being on this end of the spectrum. If you want more recognition you have to advertise yourself more; post more, blog better, but also interact with other people too. Give them blog comments and recognition for their work. Then people should come back to you.


If you're already doing that but it's not working, just try harder. If you really want to be popular than you have to put some effort into it.

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Well, seeing as how sum of Wrack's entries have 0 replies, I suggest you take it easy and stuff. Go crush some dreadnoughts at yer Rogue Trader if you really need to cool down, or, better.



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I feel for you, bro. It's tough being on this end of the spectrum. If you want more recognition you have to advertise yourself more; post more, blog better, but also interact with other people too. Give them blog comments and recognition for their work. Then people should come back to you.


If you're already doing that but it's not working, just try harder. If you really want to be popular than you have to put some effort into it.


That's where we hit the serious problem.


I feel like I haven't been spending enough time living in the real world and thus have been trying to cut BACK on time I spend on the computer and this includes Bzp.


I'm at a pinch-point, really. That's what makes this so over-the-top frustrating.


And I can't tell if what Smeagol said was just general or an insult of sorts, so I won't bother answering.

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Smeag has a point, Kativa, he was just very blunt, is all.


Yes, but there is blunt and there is "So blunt that it comes across as offensive and this I refuse to go over something that felt like an attack to learn from it"



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So you're saying you're here for the attention. Is that an accurate assessment? :huh:


I beg of you: don't measure yourself by the recognition you receive from others. That's a victim mentality and it sets you up for all kinds of pain. Be happy with who you are, as you are. Learn to love yourself first. From that headspace, you can be thankful and content with what attention you do receive, and not feel like the world owes you.


I sympathize with your situation. There've been times in my life when BZP was my most significant social outlet, too. And sure, sometimes I catch myself comparing ratings and entry-to-comment ratios -- but I don't let those things get me down. Life's too short, you know? ^_^


Your blog isn't one I've followed actively, I admit. But that's just because there are so many blogs, not because yours is sub-par -- it isn't. Looking at your collection of approval images, I'd say you must have done an awesome job of producing thoughtful entries. :D


I don't post comments to every blog entry that I appreciate. Looking and leaving is the norm for me, even with the good stuff. So not getting comments doesn't necessarily mean you're going unnoticed, unread, and unappreciated.


Chin up, Ka-Chan. Go easy on yourself, eh?


<o> <o>

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Sorry to hear about your problem, but recognition is always a problem with BZP. Others who don't really seem to "deserve" it get it anyway, and others are recognized sometimes but not often. I'm sure a few people recognize me here, but I'm not the "Premier Member Person with an awesome Blog" that everyone seems to worship. Your blog is great, but you aren't "out there" enough. You are popular, and I see what you're getting at, I think it's ironic that people ask you to stay yet don't comment, but you can't really force people to comment, you know?


Some people get loads of comments for the random junk they post, but you put a LOT of work into things, and don't see many comments. It has happened to me, and many others I'm sure, so just think, you're not the only one in this situation, and it's pretty bad.

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Yeah, I know how you feel.


I'm amazed by how many popular members there are that hardly do anything to gain recognition, yet, how many there are that try to actually try to be significant, and gain no recognition.


Popularity, unfortunately, is largely something that happens out of chance. Though it may be more than that beneath the surface, it's really not something people can choose, and people rarely gain recognition by trying the same thing over and over. A large part of this is due to how intrigued people are by new and changing things; if you suddenly "jumped outta nowhere", and started posting boatloads of different stuff, you'd have better chances of becoming popular, because you'd grab far more attention. And that's probably why I've never gained much attention; because I'm not very active here.


But really; if you're going to do something, don't do it for yourself. Trying to become popular will only get you frowned upon.






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And I can't tell if what Smeagol said was just general or an insult of sorts, so I won't bother answering.


Okay I will be more clear.

  • You are starved for attention.
  • You are whining because not you are not getting it.
  • You are insulting the people whose attention you want.
  • Whining and cursing and insulting people will not make people like you.
  • Don't be stupid?
And some tangential points:
  • You make these things you are posting for your own enjoyment, right? Isn't that enough? If people don't comment on them, so what? life goes on.
  • Let me stress that second point. Life goes on. Enjoy yourself, don't get angry over a web site.
  • You're treating this stuff as if it is actually important. That's kinda cute, but c'mon, man.
  • Hey. Don't be stupid!
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Don't take BZP seriously. You don't need to. But if you want to stay one here, and not be told to leave, this is the kind of stuff you shouldn't post. ;)


Now, loosen up a bit ,and go with the flow. If anything arises that you feel needs to be address, do so freely. Just don't post rant flaming other people like this.



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I know exactly how you feel. This kind of crud happens to me in real life. It is indeed very frustrating, and it has me questioning my existence and the purpose of life (pretty much I went on one big emo trip). Know this, BZP isn't everything. You seem (seem, I really don't know) to have a decent amount of people reading your blog (judging by the number of approved seals). Yet, like I said, BZP isn't everything.


Essentially, I feel that getting more readers is like trying to get into college. Sell yourself (no not that way). Advertise, bs around, yadda yadda. Trust me it works (I got into most of the early dec., early action, and rolling admission colleges I applied to).


Don't let the lack of attention get you down. Maybe if you made banners or something and gave it to friends on BZP, then they could advertise or something. Just an idea.

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How is it that people like Wrack or Exo can post completely idiotic horse ###### and still get a wealth of replies and attention while I'm over here in my corner, posting the occasional entry that usually shows insight into my life or my works.

More commercial. Chicks, mecha, anime and gaming.


Yes, I know I am going over the top here- but it's a rant about an issue that I find works for all Bzp.

All of anywhere.


What is it that I have or lack that makes it so nobody around here even does much in the way of talk to me?

That sentence exactly.


Like BC said.

You're co-dependent on the approval of others.

You don't know who you are yet.


If the nukes went off tomorrow and I survived somehow while loved ones and EVERYONE else were gone.

I'd be furious.

But I'd still be me.


If I were thrown down a deep pit that took 1000 years to climb out of, I'd still be me by the time I reached the end, not all insane from lack of human contact. I'd still know how to speak english and I'd be extremely interested, good or bad, on what kind of world I was climbing out into.


You just don't know who you are yet.

You don't know who you want to be yet.


And that's ok, you're still young. The dendrites are still kickin' for two or more decades.

You can still reformat and nobody'll blink at that being weird, for it's what young'uns do.

You're ALLOWED to branch off in wrong directions for awhile still, so long as they eventually result in a stable one.


Now, if you were like 50 I'd be worried, but it's not the case. Because then, your brain would have been irreparably wired into a certain configuration from which there is no escape, save for a nervous breakdown. (Which really, is just a MASSIVE, dangerous reformat).


Suggestion? Hmm...


Just decide what it is you think a human should be... what you find acceptable behavior, what's unacceptable behavior... what things about people are cool, what is not... how far you think you can extend your emotional resources to people and the world around you before you start severing cords to your own self...


...and then make it you.

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