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The New Brain Quiz



Time for a new one ;)


Okay you are sailing on a cruse ship. The ship hits a rock or something and is starting to sink. There YOU are. A man or woman and there are people running around EVERYWHERE. Screams, howlings the works. You are calm you know that as long as you stay in line for your lifeboat (Which your next to get it) will come. BUT...you look to your left..GASP! There's a terrorist in the control room of the ship! HE made it crash and sink! Now he is still making it move closer and closer to more rocks! Your the only one who See's him and the ship guards are helping people! And then look right! There's some LAND! And the ship is sinking slow! WHAT DO YOU DO!?


A: Screw saving the ship. Get in the life boat and get away and live another day.


B: Nothing. Dont leave or help. YOU CAN SWIM.


C: Run in and tackle the terrorist! Use ship guard handcuffs to secure him.


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D: get in the life boat, kill people in boat, set the boat on fire, ram life boat in to rocks, and swim to land where i stab my hand and use my blood to make a smile face on a coconut I find then I will name him frank and live happly untill frank STABS ME IN THE BACK SO HE CAN EAT ME BECUASE THERES NO FOOD ON THE ISLAND B-BUT YOU KNOW WHAT!? IT"S NOT ME HE STAB HE STAB THE TERROREST!!!! I then eat frank and die years later on happy funshine island!

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If we can make up our own answers:


I goes to the terrorist, very close so he wants you to back and he points at you with his gun, so will back, then stumble over the thingy you drive it with and change the course.

Then when he is trying change it again, go away and get someones bag, change clothes and when he is looking for you everyone sees him and beats him up.




I goes to the terrorist, very close so he wants you to back and he points at you with his gun, so will back, then stumble over the thingy you drive it with and change the course.

Then when he is trying change it again, go away and get someones bag, change clothes and when he is looking for you he leaves his weapons so none shall see them, after that, go back and take his gun and kill him!


Or "A".



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None of the above, go in and have a tea party with the terrorist, ask him very nicely with your sweetest voice to save the ship by going very quickly to the nearest island, which happens to be a tropical one, and you spend the rest of you life in paradise.

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Your all wrong :P


you rush into the room, tackle the terrorists. THEN control the ship to the island. BOOM! You caught the bad guy and saved the ship..



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You can't do B. Have you not seen Titanic? Why do you think they all died? FREEZING COLD WATER. And either way, you may not even make it to shore.


Unless the rocks are extremely close, just get in the boats. But if not, rush to the terrorist, mob him, and change the ship's course to give everyone more time. Then, you can either run down to the life boats, or crash through the window, jump close to the life boats, break your limbs, and crawl onto the boat. ;)

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I usually overthink these sorts of things, so forgive me, but...


If the ship is already sinking, then I don't understand why the terrorist still trying to keep control of it. Seems like the job is already done. :P


Secondly, your "correct answer" doesn't make any sense to me. Unless I was some sort of ship engineer and knew the exact extent of the damage inflicted on the ship, I would have no way of knowing how long the ship would last. So there's no guarantee that I'll be able to get the ship to the island. And since when did I learn how to pilot a cruise ship?!? :lol:


No, if it were me I would just head for the lifeboats. Be courteous to my fellow passngers and not take up too much room on the lifeboat, but otherwise just get the heck out of there. :P

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