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The Return Of Cressona And The Birth Of The Revolution



As some of you might have noticed, I have returned after some time away from BZPower. Now I’ve returned, and it’s time for my blog to do the same. As you might have noticed, the categories, format, and name have changed a bit, and in this first new entry, I’m going to try to explain everything and make the new format clear.



Know Your Staff:

In the Revolution, we believe that the staff are an important part of BZPower. They work hard to keep the site clean, friendly, and efficient, and we think that they should be honored, or at the very least known, for that. So, in Know Your Staff, we try to get the average member in touch with the forum’s staff members, from forum assistants to admins and everything in between. In our first Know Your Staff entry, we’ll go over the specifics for this category and how we can get you in touch with our staff.


Forum Highlights:

BZPower’s a great Bionicle news site: its reviews are great and its information is top-notch. The reference section, too… well, actually, the reference section hasn’t been updated in over five years so it’s not exactly as great, but, yeah… However great the other sections may be, though, BZPower is also top in Bionicle discussion, and its forums are some of the best around. In Forum Highlights, we highlight the latest news from the forums themselves, from up-and-coming hot topics to the achievements of certain members to member birthdays. If you want to stay on top of the forums, here’s the place to do it. More info, again, is coming in the first Forum Highlights entry soon.


Cressona’s Story:

There’s a lot of blogs out there that just tell you what’s going on in the blogger’s everyday life: their story. And since this is a blog, we feel obligated to provide you with a bit of information about the blogger himself: Cressona. This section isn’t as BZP-related as the others, and thus not as member-interactive, but we will try to update this section once and a while.


This Week in Bionicle:

So far we’ve said that we’ll update you on the BZPower Staff, the BZPower forums, and a BZPower member, but we haven’t said much about Bionicle itself. I’m sure you’re wondering: is this Cressona a bionicle fan at all, or just a BZPower member? The answer, my friends, is in This Week in Bionicle, a section in which we’ll give you up-to-date information on the Bionicle story, as new info is revealed, and the sets, as I get them or speculate about them.


Life, the Universe, and Everything:

They say that everyone’s a bit of a philosopher, and Cressona is no exception: in this final segment, which I’ll update whenever I feel like it (probably about as often as Cressona’s Story, since it’s not as informative as the others), will probably contain some philosophical musings on, well, life, the universe, and everything. I consider it a pretty interesting segment, but I don’t know what the rest of you will think. :P


And that’s it. I meant this as not only a way to get back into gear with the blog and introduce the Revolution but as a reference section about the categories and all things Revolution. Check back here often for more entries, and to see what's new on BZPower, and in Bionicle in general.



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Hey, Av-- yeah, I'd really like to try to get the League started up again, maybe write that epic, get that site running... sorry I left kinda in the middle of it, but there was a long stretch where I just couldn't find the time to get on. :)


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Not yet. :P I'll try to add one entry to every category in about a week, but I'll have to see how it goes.



Judging from your recent entries... it isn't going well. :P




~:silver: :m_o: :silver:~
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