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A Quick History Of Bara Magna



Originally, matches in the arenas consisted of a rock-paper-scissors tournament. It seemed like a good idea, as it was nonviolent and fair.


Unfortunately, none of the Glatorian ever used anything but rock, and the issues were never settled.


Smaller debates had two Agori r-p-s against each other, but this presented different problems. Again, hardly anything was settled due to overuse of rock.


And the Zesk were at a huge disadvantage, because they could only use scissors.


Eventually, the tournaments evolved into those used today.


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Let me create a big history:


A long time ago,On a desert planet not so far away, Random Agori and glatorian popped up in the middle of nowhere and did stuff,which eventually led to the building of the villages,but the Vorox and the Zesk were to cool to make a village. B)


Now,The water tribe was greedy,so they just stole all the water to build their villages.

The Ice tribe was so cool that their village popped out of nowhere because they were so cool.

Skrall found a cloning machine and a fusing machine. Skrall fused 4 skralls toghether and got Tuma,Because skrall was thinking of a tumor at the time.

He then continuosly cloned himself,and because of that they had to play RPS tournaments.


Zesk had a disatvantage because they could only use scissors,And the only agori they could beat in an RPS match was Fero,Since he could only use Paper.


At the time, Fero was the king of the matches. He beat all the glatorian and some agori because he could only use paper,which beat rock.


The great disaster:


Malum used a technique known as 'the pincer' which he claimed could beat any other symbol,as it can throw anything,Which lead to his exile.

Tarduk was banned from RPSing,because he used a technique called 'The claw' which he claimed could slash and break any technique.


Zesk and vorox became primitive because of their anger.


Oh,And tarduk walks on 4 legs now,because he is intelligent,just that he says walking is for zesk and vorox.


Another reason that vorox and zesk became primitive was because of their enragement of tarduk's saying.


Eventually,This all leads to the current story.






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