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Behind The Glatorian



I'm sure I'm not the first one who noticed, but I haven't seen it elsewhere in the few places I've looked, so I'll bring the topic to discussion now.




This are images from the bio pictures of the Glatorian from the front page of Bionicle.com (specifically, Skrall, Malum, and Strakk) Besides the nifty environments, there seems to be something else in the background... something, dare I say it, alive!


1) Well, obviously that's some scorpion-like Skrall guardian. Or a multi-legged Vorox with a cooler stinger tail? Creepy looking, but not new to Bionicle. (Anybody remember Nui-Jaga?)


2) A fiery villain in the flames... well, ignoring the fact that Malum seems to be a villain as well. This kind of reminds me of the flame dude on Torch's Slizer disc, or at least the vagueness of it all. But that bright spot on it's head that could be eyes... well, it struck me that it looks kind of like a mouth... a malicious, grinning mouth. And it has spikes... OMG, Hakann got unmutated, grabbed a new Spear of Fusion, and landed on Bara Magna! So he's the returning character!


3) These two dudes look slinky and spikey... oh, actually, they look alot like Ehlek, right down to his tri talons. So the Order must've modified his species to be capable of space flight too... maybe he's the one who brought Hakann over (and maybe Hakann brought over a pet Rahi, which would explain the Nui-Jaga. Hakann was always so caring of wildlife).


Or, dare I say it...


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Glimpses of summer sets? I doubt it... I've seen the summer sets once, and I don't remember what they looked like at all, or if they resemble any of these shadows, but there's still a possibility that the second and third ones are previews)


And, for the record, I didn't see anything in the background of Tarix's or Gresh's images. Vorox did have a tail in the background, but it's only the tip of it so it could really be anything? (Let's see, who had a tail? Mantax?)


And yes, if any of you take notice, I am posting this way late at night, so that could explain why this train of thought derailed.




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Tarix has a wierd millipede-thing and Vorox has a serpent-thing.

Neither can be properly seen except on the canister.

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I noticed the Malum and Skrall ones on Bionicle.com. Who knows, the humanoids could be summer sets -- but somehow, I doubt it. We've never had future sets teased in official art for current sets before, so why would they start doing that now? I think those silhouetted figures are just to make the backgrounds more interesting, and hint at a wider cast of characters than the ones we know.


<o> <o>

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I noticed the Malum and Skrall ones on Bionicle.com. Who knows, the humanoids could be summer sets -- but somehow, I doubt it. We've never had future sets teased in official art for current sets before, so why would they start doing that now? I think those silhouetted figures are just to make the backgrounds more interesting, and hint at a wider cast of characters than the ones we know.


<o> <o>

Nocturn's box art had silhouettes of the Mahri (Hahli at least)

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