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Tea Time With Gavilan



Hello all. Sit and hear stories I made. *hands tea* And have some tea.


Okay here's a little story I made a while ago about..well...a murder. Dont ask why. I was in a..dark mood that day.


The Essence of evil and the red death~ By Gavla..


Run, run, run! That was all the matoran was thinking..running away from his death and his former friend..run, run! The matoran..name was Zell. He was from Ta-Metru..and he was running for his life. His job: Chef Vahki general class A. Top of the line. Armed with a laser pointed konoka launcher and spike boots. (used for climbing the foundry's) Lately there was a spree of murders in the Metrus. Kojak from Ko-metru. Mask broken and died of no mask. A "G" burned into his armor. Sheila from Ga-Metru: He boat was broken in the gas tank and losing fuel. Poor girl went fishing, ran out of fuel. How she was murdered is way different..Lena from Le-Metru was hanged in his hut then tied to the bottom on Sheila's boat. Arm's cut so the blood would attract Makuta fish and sharks. They swarmed her and..you know the rest. An Onu-toran found a dead shark open it and found her arm and Lena's one foot. Both marked with a "G" And now Zell's own friend Jima was murdered. Pushed into the great furnish. Now Zell had only one clue. The "G" The "G" that was somehow burned into every victim. And he knew that it had to be a ta-matoran. But the problem..not many matoran in Ta-Metru with a "G" for a first letter. This would take work. Only three matoran with a "G" and more murders everyday. The night before this Zell was working late..sighing new papers for new Vahki units. Smoking a Po-metru cigar. Fine smoke without the smell. The first "G" matoran: Gram. A lava farmer with a BAD attitude to other matoran. Been on the bad side of the law more then once. The next: Green. Well that was his nickname. No one knew his real name. His nickname is Green cause of the "incident" where he came in contact with an illegal Brotherhood gun. The Splatter ray. He took it and went to Le-metru. Why? Well to hehe..take care of a few le-toran that owed him some Widgets. He did not plan on killing them. But he misunderstood this gun and well..he splattered three le-toran on the wall. His mask still has green spots on it. The last "G" matoran was Gavan. And ok sorts. Kinda odd. Locks himself in his hut all day. We send vahki over once and a while. He never really leaves unless to go somewhere..needed. So then Zell had an idea. No more nice cop. Throw the cards on the table and catch all three. He sent letters to them to meet him at Maku's bar. An ok bar. Prime molten punch. Oh so yummy. For Ta-matorn that is. When Zell got there tonight he was shocked. All three matoran..dead. Each one's throat slit. And the "G" on there armor. Zell knew then. No Ta-Matoran did this. He took another cigar and light it. As he looked over each body he was surprised to see Maku alive. After talking to her about what happen all the poor girl would say was "G" over and over. Zell took the burnt cigar and before tossing it looked at the label: "Great cigars! Only at Gram's cigar co in Poi-metru" GRAM. GRAM. "G" Zell knew it. He looked at the bodies. the "G"s were outlined with dirt and dust. Seems old Gram lost taste in cigars..and wanted to take blood instead. Zell rushed that night in the chutes. Hopeing to catch Gram. When he got there he was shocked...Gram was dead! The "G" burned into his face..who did this!? If not Gram then who!? The answer was a fast shot to the arm. Zell turned..and behind him was none other then maku. Zell who was shocked could not believe it.. "YOU!? You did these murders!?" he asked. "Yes I did. You forgot one clue Zell. All these guys I dated long ago. And each left me! ME! I wanted revenge. And I got it." She said. Zell ran, faster then before he ever did. His arm bleeding. If he could find a vahki he could Stop Maku. Only he knew it was her. Run..run...run! All his mind thought was running from Maku and her gun. He turned and then.. no! Wrong turn! Stuck in an ally! He turned to run the other way and there she was..shining in the moonlight..Maku..with the splatter gun. "I think it's time we end this chase one way or another Maku.." Zell said.. And Maku looked at him in the eye and pointed the gun at his head..she pulled the trigger..and Zell was gone. "Indeed Zell.." was all she said..then she walked away leaving the bloody mess of blue and brown that was once Zell. She turned before she was out of sight and said " That's for leaving me at the alter Zell.."


The end~


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