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Under Bara Magna



Not to jump ahead or anything, but we can't stay on the surface of a desert world for too long. Granted, going under Mata Nui was totally different than just going into a cave and finding a whole new world, but something will need to happen to put a twist.


LOL, "You are not the first GLATORIAN." *shock!* (Like what Vakama said...)


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Worst Vegetable of the Year: the brussle sprout. This is also the worst vegetable of next year.


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That's were the lost civilization should be...


Now you're just getting ahead of me.

Maybe I should go read that Serial...

And last year's while I'm at it...



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It turns out that the big cataclysm was somebody eating Bara Magna and now they're being slowly digested and don't even know it... :o



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It turns out that the big cataclysm was somebody eating Bara Magna and now they're being slowly digested and don't even know it... :o



Oh, so it's like BZP Lovers*? Where one world is really inside a bigger world but at the same time seems to be in a totally different world?





*Turns out the BZP censor prevents me from mentioning a funny 1997 sci-fi film involving Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones where they protect the world from alien beings. But I know why this is happening and am having a fun time writing it out.

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It turns out Mata Nui lives in a universe full of other beings of his size. Bara Magna is one of them. They do not know it, but they live inside a larger being. :P
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It turns out Mata Nui lives in a universe full of other beings of his size. Bara Magna is one of them. They do not know it, but they live inside a larger being. :P

Are you being serious? I can't tell from the tongue thing. But that would definitely be like BZP Lovers*....





*Turns out the BZP censor prevents me from mentioning a funny 1997 sci-fi film involving Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones where they protect the world from alien beings. But I know why this is happening and am having a fun time writing it out.

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