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Can Anyone Recommend?

Toa Bors


I need a program (preferably free) (preferably simple) (preferably not one I've already tried*) that saves transparent GIF files.



*I'd be a little worried if anyone knew this :P.


EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. And I will never understand GIMP. :wacko:


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You delete the layer you're working on (if it's got something to need, copy it all first), then make a new layer (set it as "transparent"). Then paste what you need onto that layer. Select the tool that looks like a little wand, and click on the area you want gone. It'll select all of that color and you can remove it.

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Also, if you want simple and don't mind it being more limited, not to mention having to do some forum-digging for plugins to get some features, try "Paint.Net".

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