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Gators Are The Champions!

Jedi Gali


Yeah, before you mention how late I am in writing this entry, let me say that I know the game was Thursday night.... In fact I stayed up past midnight to watch the whole thing, knowing I would have to get up around 6:30. (Actually, I stayed up till one; reading Brisinger after the game but I'll talk about that later.)


I'm glad I did though, it was a great game. However it was definitely nerve-wracking in the first quarter/half till the Gators started scoring and stuffing the Oklahoma offense. One thing I love about the Gators is that they're so much fun to watch. (Though the first half was more on the boring side 'cuz there was so little scoring) One part at the end was so hilarious. The Gators were about to win and then Tebow got a penalty, which was quite surprising. Guess what? It was 'Excessive Celebration', aka doing a Gator chomp in the face of an Oklahoma player. It was awesome to watch. :D


And to top it off, on the celebration in the Swamp yesterday, Tebow announced he's coming back!!! Yayz! Harvin, sadly enough, will probably leave.


Oh and my brother was lucky enough to get tickets to go to the game... Man, that would have been so amazing.


So yeah, for the fourth time in four years (basketball and football) the Gators are on top. *chomp, chomp*


:kaukau: -JG


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