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Today were ALSO interviewing...Nuju Metru! NOT THE SET!


He was basically..the birth of the mask muching with his Imata topic and a little hau with a bite mark in it. Which was then picked up by..MacGyver and turned into a fad.




1. How did you get into Bionicle?

Let's see, it was so long ago... Ah, yes. I believe that I initially saw a promo for the Toa Mata back in '01 in LEGO Magazine, which to me looked much cooler than the Roboriders I had been buying before. It just so happened that my Grandparents came around that time, and son i found myself with Tahu Mata in my six-year-old hands. Since then, it's kinda snowballed.


2. How did you find BZP and what made you join?

A friend of mine, who was also into Bionicle, told me at school that he knew where to find pictures of the new line of figures, who happened to be the Barakki. Of course, the website was BZPower. I don't believe that I visited there again until I heard from him that preliminary pictures of the Toa Mahri were posted... After that, I lurked on here, until February, after the Phantoka came out, and I wanted to be part of the discussion, so I joined.


3. What got you into doing Bionicle artwork?

I have always loved to draw. Dragons, robots, aliens, etc. This included the occasional Bionicle, which were drawn in a set-like style. However, I pretty much never drew them. One night, when I was watching TV (The specific show doesn't come to mind) and playing around with my Vamprah, when, on an impulse, I decided to draw him, then scanned it in, posted it in a topic... my first art on BZP.


4. About how long would you say it takes you to make a drawing?

What with preliminary sketches, drawing, inking, and coloring, I'd say... maybe 3-4 hours.


5. Is there a fave Bionicle character you prefer to draw?

As I said before, I originally draw very few Bionicles, and out of that few, the most frequently drawn was Nuju Metru... One of the reasons I chose my username.


6. The mask munching. How did the fad start?

Well, as any informed Mask-muncher/fad follower should know, it began with my AC16 entry, the iMata, whose log resembled a Hau, but with a bite out of the head. Mac took the idea and made a drawing, and it grew, and grew...


7. Over time the Mask munching grew into a fad. Are you happy about this? Or was this suspected ahead of time?

I didn't expect Mac's drawing/idea to get so big... At first I was happy about initiating a fad, but after a while, it just got boring, and repetitive. Now, I just want it to stop, please.


8. Do you have any future art projects for BZP? Or maybe..more Mask munching?

I'm still engaged in Project Glatorian, with three installments to go... you can expect some of those soon; also, my request list, which I always procrastinate on.


9: If Miriku came up to you and ate YOUR mask what would you do?.

I'd cry to get her off her guard... then snatch my mask, get Miri by the scruff of the neck, and bring her be locked up.


-Nuju Metru


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