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You are small.


Shall I explain?


You are one of six billion inhabitants on one of nine planets in one of thousands of solar systems in one of a couple arms of one of billions of galaxies in this universe, possibly amongst others. You are small, insignificant and in most cases won't change the universe. The human race possibly, but not the universe.


This is why I hate egos.


People who think the universe, world, or even a large group of people revolve around them, are cool dudes. And you know I didn't mean to say cool dudes. You know what I meant to say. The fact that people rely on other people, as asinine as this sounds, annoys me a bit. We're all so small, we shouldn't have to detract from what little time others have here so that we can better our own time. It's good to be able to rely on people, but so many people do it too much. You have to be independent.


As long as I'm using the universe to try and deflate egos and likely something else I can't say on BZP, I may as well talk about the universe. I doubt I'll ever understand it, but it's a fun thing to wonder about. If it is infinitely expanding, then what happens once it stops expanding? It can't go on forever, it has to stop somewhere. And what's beyond it? Is it just black nothing? Is there something else there? Does getting there, for lack of a better term, make you god? What does it look like? Does it look the same as the universe? Different? Is there anything to separate us from potential oblivion at the edge of the universe, or is it just one false step and you fade into nonexistence? Do you feel it if it happens? Do you know it's happening? Has the earth really existed since the universe began and was smaller than you or I? If so, has the earth been at the edge at one point or another? What could we find about it by destroying the earth once it's destruction from natural causes is imminent?


Like I said, it's incredible to wonder about this kind of stuff. It'd be even more incredible if we knew the answers.


Also, do us a favour, get your ego euthanize! :D


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Hey are you trying to be...


Anyways, who cares about the rest of the universe? All that matters is what's near you. Well also stuff far away also matters, but in a completely different way.

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The problem with egos isn't that people have them, it's that their egos are in control of them instead of being just one part of them in balance with the other parts. Does that make sense to you?


Being a Science Guy (that was my nickname in high school: Bill Nye!), I could try to enlighten you on some of the questions you posed. But I won't. 'Cause you didn't specifically ask me to, it's not my place to do it, and I don't feel like writing all that stuff out, anyway. Also, my ego is at least that much in check that I don't delude myself as to what it would accomplish to post my theory of everything, besides possibly earn me a proto drop. :happydance: :fear:


I may be small in the grand scheme of things, but I AM the center of my own little universe, thank you very much. :rolleyes:


<o> <o>


Edited for spelling.

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I may be small in the grand scheme of things, but I AM the center of my own little universe, thank you very much.

Exactly. ^_^



And you know what I think about egos-- no need for me to say it. XD



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