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Let It Be



Now that I am done (for a bit) with my thesis, I can go on with my obsessive, internety life. :3



Model UN was absolutely great, but having a small country, not wanting to be wrong and redundant, and the amount of people kept me from speaking. That made it a little boring, but the people I was around were awesome or my friends. Not only was I hanging out with all my friends, my relationships to them seemed to try even stronger. :3 I just wish it was longer actually. The kids next to me seem to be very kewl. Like lol speak cool. =^.^= I made a resolution in Lolspeak that was just amazing, and everyone signed it pretty much, even Pangea xD, but then I lost it as it was being passed around. Then I mad like 20 paper hats and we all wore them. xP


Wee woo wee woo warning personal life update very long wee woo wee woo

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One of Ally's best friends, Jessica, became absolutely obsessed about me over the weekend. I've only talked to her a couple times, but she still pulled me into the dance along with Michelle a couple times and, and did that obsessive name shout when she sees you thing. However the dance was a creepy dance so I left shortly, and now back in school she seems a bit normal again. Note: Dancing with strangers that you don't know at all is not fun, especially when it is teenagers. << >>


Kathryn (whom I like kind of) wanted me to sit next to her for a lot of the time, thus I do believe she likes me too. I think she was acting jealous too because of Ally and yeah, but I dunno, I probably shouldn't think so high of myself. She was acting very moody and jealous though. =\ There were times when I was sitting next to her and she wasn't replying with much. =\


And yes, I was with Ally a lot of the time too. :U Spoiler thing since sooooo long.

First night there she asked how my first day was etc. I said it was bad and she was like well my whole week has been bad, school-wise and emotionally-wise. I brought up her boyfriend and how he marches next to me in winter marching band and how it was awkward because she said something about awkwardness. Then she said something like it wasn't as awkward as it was for her as it was for me. I was confused but happy... I still don't know what that meant. I believe it has something to do with the emotionally bad week, but I don't know. She seemed to be less with him in school, maybe she's realizing how jerky he can be? I dunno... I shouldn't hope for anything.


But then during breakfast we ate together and she (and most of her friends followed) commented on how sharp/cute I looked in a suit. I was like lolthx. :U During lunch we sat on the same seat and talked. :3 She noted that she didn't want to go to the dance, and I agreed that it was gonna be creepy. I said I probably wouldn't go and if she wanted to do something we could, so unfortunately I got hyped up for that. =\ At diner we had to sit with our countries, but afterward we sitted next to each other and wrote on each other's hand.

At the dance, I started out with the group but then they had to go to the bathroom (or just a ploy to get away from the dance I believe) so I didn't follow. I texted her and was like whar ar yoo. She didn't tell me so mmph. I hung out with manly men in the football room where the Cardinals game was playing on some huge screen.


After that we found each other and walked to the meeting room thing. We held hands... not in the normal way... differently... with both hands and our friend noted the person she was hanging out with thought we were going out. "ummm.... oooooookkaaaayyyyy..." Then we had to run outside because it was a shortcut and we (our school) were sneakily ordering pizza. Then she fell and it was funny...


The next day in the morning she asked if she could read her speech to me. I said of course, but I never saw her until after the speech (which she won BTW). So missed opportunities sadface.


However Monday morning at school she talked to me instead of... boyfriend.


Oh and she wore my shoes for gym on Thursday because she had Uggs and I only had a study hall.

Michelle held the button on the app on the Touch for an hour. O_o Unfortunately there was a glitch causing the game to crash at exactly and hour. The next day an update came out for specifically that problem. xD


So before Model UN I was obsessed with Portal and wouldn't stop thinking about it. Now I'm not as obsessive so yay! Unfortunately I'm completely obsessed with Let It Be. I'm even trying to learn the guitar solo.


Oh and MOCer's block again. Argh I can only MOC when there is no school. ><


And I ordered Cool Convertible, so maybe the parts will be like "MOCK WIT MEH" when I get them.


And thesis is taking up a lot of time, but I need to make it AMAZING.


And I think I can't recognize the difference between good singing and bad singing. Like I can never tell on American Idol or even in real life. And lolz to American Idol. xD


OH AND I DOWNLOADED WORD 2007 AND I LOVE IT. All my friends are like rawr it be bad, and I'm just like ewww I can't even go back to the old version.


Let It Be is definitely applying to my life now, and I love it. <3


Recommended Comments

Then she fell and it was funny...

Excellent wording. XD

It's true though! It was funny! She ripped her pants too! xD

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