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Oops I Did It Again



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here I am, well-rested at 6:00 AM after sleeping since 8:00. Such are the wonders of completing all work at school and coming home with none of it. I've often pondered, since my younger and more vulnerable years in first grade, and I've come to realize that without homework, school really wouldn't be bad at all. With a little elbow grease and some good habits, you can maintain a pretty good schedule.

Which nobody can realistically do. And with four AP classes, I think I got lucky, not hard-working (I do that already).

Speaking of things they, oops, did again...

We got just about the worst forecast ever for two days straight. "Oh, there's gonna be a blizzard, guys. Probably gonna close the schools."

Much like yesterday, there's no snow. There's not even a stiff breeze. Outside my window I see vehicles rolling happily down a well-plowed street. And now I have to get going.

I have to go to school.


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Liek zomg its spossed to b 0 dagreez tomorow and its aginst the law to keep kids out for the bus wen its that cold and were going to have a snow day without snow zomg



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Recently in our area we had TWO Blizzard Warnings (not watches, warnings, meaning it is definitely supposed to happen). Now, we were all prepared for said blizzard, but when it was supposed to come, no blizzard. Sure, lots of wind, and snow that was on the ground blowing around, but that was it. Apparently that was really what they call a blizzard at least right then. Weird, eh?


~ :a: :t:

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