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Hey Guys

Spoony Bard


Just letting you know that I don't care.


You can call me a prick. You can call me a cruel, heartless guy. I don't care.


Unless you know who I am in real life. Unless you have sat down and spoken to me. Unless you have roomed with me, or talked to me personally online, or call me on the phone. Unless you witnessed my contributions to the community. If you don't know me, and decide to complain and rant behind my back, then you're nothing better.


I would buy someone dinner or a pint as well as give my respect if they went straight up to my face and tells me their honest feelings about me. If they would rather just talk behind my back instead of going directly to me whether online or face-to-face, then they get nothing from me. Because I don't care.


You got something to say about me, then say it to me. Be a man. Maybe I'll buy you dinner. Otherwise, just keep your mouth shut.


Thank you.




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<decides to take the offer>


I personally don't like you cuz:

  • You're difficult to understand (in terms of motives).

  • You treat some others others as inferior.

  • You offended me.

  • You take things waaay too seriously.


I dunno what to make of you, really. If you had bi-polar, I'd at least be able to understand something more, but as it is, with the information I have, I really don't like you.



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I don't dislike you. You're like that really tall guy at the back of the class who doesn't laugh, but you can tell he's amused or not. Also, nobody picks fights with him cuz nobody's ever seen him show any weakness to pick on. He's like the rock of the group, you don't care about the personality, because you know he's not a bad person.


=/ or something like that.

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I believe that you're a nice guy in person.

That's what confuses me: Why aren't you the same online?


Edit: Oooooo noooooo... I've been sucked into the trap of wanting to reply to everything Omi says even though I don't want to. Again. >_<

But I believe my question is valid.
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A guy once said to me,


"Omi's a prick and the most Moderator ever"



I responded with "Dude, you can't say that. He is cool, calm and a great Moderator"



I straightened him out.


And that is what I think of you

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It seems like your sense of humor has deteriorated ever since you "left" BZP. You may still have a good reputation, and there are still many people who honor you, or respect you, but only do so for the things you did in the past. You retain your trademark egotistical outlook from the days you were staff, which before was humorous, but now, thanks to your taking everything so seriously, isn't interpreted as a joke, so in my eyes (at least), you appear as a self-centered know-it-all.


Now, Shilo, you are just a shell of your former, fun-loving self, as if the Omicron we once knew and loved died, and left behind his least desirable traits. You are now only a bloated sense of superiority, a quickly dying icon of respect, and a catchphrase, "It Sucks".


There, you happy?


-Nuju Metru

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You can be heavy-handed sometimes--you're human. At least when you're heavy-handed, it tends to be for a just cause.


You and I have disagreed at times--we're humans. We're bound to have different thoughts and opinions about some things. At least when we disagree, it tends to be about what the best way is to do something good.


At the end of the day, Shilo, you're a good guy and a good friend. You're just another normal guy trying to do the right things in the middle of a stressful world. You live, you love, you laugh, and you cause others to laugh, and I admire that.


Buy me dinner this summer? ;)

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The opinion I have of you is that you are a Moderator, a member of the Staff which I should respect. I don't have personal feelings for or against any of the staff (except, well, maybe Turakii and Macku :P).

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The opinion I have of you is that you are a Moderator, a member of the Staff which I should respect. I don't have personal feelings for or against any of the staff (except, well, maybe Turakii and Macku :P).


You know, he isn't staff anymore. ;)


-Nuju Metru

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The opinion I have of you is that you are a Moderator, a member of the Staff which I should respect. I don't have personal feelings for or against any of the staff (except, well, maybe Turakii and Macku :P ).


You know, he isn't staff anymore. ;)


-Nuju Metru

Even then, I still feel the same. Ex-staff count for me, too.

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<decides to take the offer>

Didn't say do it here. :P

You're difficult to understand (in terms of motives).

I'm glad. That way people don't know what my next move is. If everyone was able to guess everything I'd do, then I wouldn't get far.

You treat some others others as inferior.

No I don't.

You offended me.

You've offended me so many times before.

You take things waaay too seriously.

So? You do too.

I don't dislike you. You're like that really tall guy at the back of the class who doesn't laugh, but you can tell he's amused or not. Also, nobody picks fights with him cuz nobody's ever seen him show any weakness to pick on. He's like the rock of the group, you don't care about the personality, because you know he's not a bad person.


=/ or something like that.

I think that describes me best.

I believe that you're a nice guy in person.


That's what confuses me: Why aren't you the same online?

Who I am in person is who I am online. Antics are the same.

taking everything so seriously, isn't interpreted as a joke, so in my eyes (at least), you appear as a self-centered know-it-all.

Why is it that I am not allowed to take things seriously? Life is not a game, it is not a joke.


And I'm not self centered, nor a know-it-all. If I was all about me, I wouldn't have a girlfriend, and I would be a model. If I was a know-it-all, I would be winning the lottery.

Buy me dinner this summer?





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I've already told you why I don't [or didn't] like you. Now, it seems much different. Maybe it's because you're not staff, or maybe it's because I finally agree with you.


I don't know why it is, but I do feel much better after talking to you a while ago. And, I'm not even sure if I dislike you at all anymore.



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You've offended me so many times before.

Whenever that happens, I urge people to walk up to me and tell me about it. Usually, I'll be apologetic. I -want- to be approachable.


I don't recall you talking to me about those things. Time exposes all things, it does not make all things right.



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You've offended me so many times before.

Whenever that happens, I urge people to walk up to me and tell me about it. Usually, I'll be apologetic. I -want- to be approachable.

I did tell you. In your entries.


Just like you are. In my entry.




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*Is utterly dumbfounded by the revelation that there are otherwise awesome people out there who actually feel they have reason to dislike Omi.*


*Reflects that the chemistry of egos is a far too poorly understood area of science, and, regrettably, seems likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.*


*Gives up trying to understand everything.*


*Sends everyone here a hug.*




<o> <o>

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It's because you've made blog entries like this that I've started to dislike you. By posting this, it sounds like you actually do care what those people think, and I always thought you were better than that.
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It's because you've made blog entries like this that I've started to dislike you. By posting this, it sounds like you actually do care what those people think, and I always thought you were better than that.

No I don't care.


It is the people that want me to care.



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Yeah, yeah, I'm behind the times.


I like how Bfahome described you, because that is actually how I am in real life (NOT on the Internet :P) so I can relate. And I don't act that way because I know everything or am superior to anyone, just that I look at things from a different perspective than most. I only share those perspectives when I think need be.


Often people can get the wrong idea of your motives, but that is because, like I said, they're looking at it from a different perspective.


The perspective can often come from a shift in your life when you realize what things matter and what to care for, such as a near-death experience, loss of someone close to you, etc. Naturally that would harden a person, at least on the outside.


[And I haven't read all your posts as of late, so I don't know exactly what applies to you.]

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