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The Comic Of Sayi-nui Begins! ^^




"Welcome to Chane's comics. Make your self at home friends.", A sweet modist voice said almost tenderly. The voice whom was speaking was the Demongirl named Chan'e, she was a kind, fun and free spirited little young lady, practically childish but seemed mature at times. This young Demongirl was busy making way for her four RZ comic formed friends and her RZ form little brother named Delta. Exactly like all the others she was in RZ form, but had Rayg wings behind her to distingquish herself from the others. As the Guests she had invited had arrived to the small ramp up to a rather short star the entry arborway shaped like Lihkan's Hau, colored red with the pillers as gold mata toa's skulls atop. Chane's little sibling was first to greet his older sister.
Next down along a short line all asked questions and greeted on another. For quite awhile more GuestStars became PerminateGuestStars the short series that was likely to be thought of as an ordinary comic making day.
But the Journey that is about to begin is anything but ordinary or happily gleeful without violence. No, this has a whole lot more to explain before all was done and put to rest. Chan'e had to infact lie to her friends where she had come from...call this selfish but its entirely for a good reason. None of Chane's friends- she felt would not understand her, or just because she didn't want them to know for their safety or because of judgement. Perhaps so, but her friends knowing about her family-(or just plainly the other side of her family), she felt plainly wasn't needed.
So the lie she told was that Aliens from Halo and from Alien vs Predator had come and taken over her palace. No Friends that part where Covenant took over did happen. And almost three casualties almost died do the fact the Aliens that Chan'e kept inside her Dungon had made four little chests bursters from their hosts, when facehuggers were launched toward The four Gold team Elites. One had actually died before his chest was sown back up. And out of mercy and kindess she let them join on one condition- that they would not betray their loyalty, and she had declared that they would go as they wish. Many odd adventure's that Chan'e and her friends would face would never be same ever again. New friends and new Challenges that they all would face, the dangers and the love they give would be remembered for all time in Syi-Nui.
~End Prologue ^~^

On an important Note. I'm excepting Co-Epic Authors as well ;)


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wow, nice. this will help with new chapter. Thnaks, but i don't mean to rude, or snuby, but where am i inthe proluage, or u just saving it for last, ;) well, i was saying that becasue i am in the blog side thing.


Toa of Life

Kara Nui

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wow, nice. this will help with new chapter. Thnaks, but i don't mean to rude, or snuby, but where am i inthe proluage, or u just saving it for last, ;) well, i was saying that becasue i am in the blog side thing.


Toa of Life

Kara Nui

Your not there yet. Thats why your writing your part in the story ;)

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well since ES6 didn't say there was any errors so far, and she asked me to make the next chapter, but i'm still not done, I'll give some of it.


Thanks again for this chance to write. :)


Well, this not what I wanted to do when I woke up in the morning today. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow, this will, be a dream, yeah right, this is really, I still feel the pain. Said a young lady, to herself then continued. I can’t believe I have to leave behind everything, in the Matoran Universe, because of my no good, Son of a Piraka, uncle, who is power hungry, who’s sins who laid waste to good in the world, lead to death of many, good and evil deaths, but were not needed. I can’t believe I was forced to leave my world, my home, to keep me safe, from the likes of him. And my friend, my Love, my family, Mom……… As thoughts, Images, memories filled her head, of Matoran and Toa from all over the world she had befriend, now leaving behind like a coward, her mother who was a Toa, but not any kind, of Toa but the First Toa left to keep fighting without her daughter there by her like normally, Then of her Love, The Toa Nuva of Fire, who was badly injured, when she should be there comforting him, and getting him back on his feet, but she was flying away. A tear falls born of sorrow, and hurt, and the knowledge, that she could nothing, other than stay away, and get help, fall on her check, This was Kara Nui, who would one day run a universe like her father, daughter of the Great Spirit, Guardian of the Matoran Universe, now gone and replaces by not righteous means, to his so called “brother”. All of things made her want to bring justice upon the demons of the world she new and was going,” I would not let this ever happen again”, she vowed.

She kept on flying through the portal, to escape the wrath and reign of Evil and darkness. Trying not to look back, what was her life. She carried a sword, that was a gift from the other great beings, for defends, Train with the top people, Toa Nuva, etc., and the entire most valuable objects from the Bionicle World. Then Kara had her sword, which was given to her by her father’s friend, other Great Being. All this just to keep, me and the objects of power away from him She found herself saying to herself. I can’t help them, if I keep thinking negative, or doubt myself. Beside, my exit is here.


So Kara stops in her path to a world unknown, to wave, in a gracefully and slowly manner, her sword, which had slain many evil souls, to save the innocent’s lives, turned into a staff of dimensions to open the portal, from the space, the portal looked like a window from inside a house showing the life and world outside of it’s doors. This world was so bright, with green lushes grass, wide variety trees sizes and types; the sky was blue like sapphires. Just like the Matoran’s world, expect no matoran anywhere to be found. Kara sighed, she missed her old life, but she knew everything was about to change. So with that in mind, she said a silent prayer, then took her first steps into the new world. But one question remained, But is this for the good or ill?






Man, this day was one of the best days in my life, thought another young girl, with a smile on her face. But this girl was not like any other girl, that u will find, she is a demon, but a good demon at least. She ran an empire over the world of Syi Nui. Everyone in that world knew her name and the power she held. Her Name Chan’e, and everything, was going perfectly, people were working where they needed to. The birds were singing, the sky blue, yep, everything is good. And I plan to keep it that way, said Chan’e to herself out loud. She was standing by a window inside her huge, white, castle like fortress, watching her guards doing their patrols around the fortress, making sure that peace was still at hand. Then her eyes turn to the meadows, with their flowers that looked like they were dancing to an unheard song of nature, and in sync with the stir of blades of grass nearby. While the leaves of some handful of trees clapping their approval, of this dance of wonder. Chan’e laughed softly at this sight, not because it was funny, but out of her enjoying the sight.


Chan’e turned from the widow, to go down the numerous of stairs to the main level. On that level was some friends of the Empress, named; Omega, Jahli, and last but least Nuparurocks, or NR. I can’t wait to start the play date we have planned, thought Chan’e. It took few minute, to reach the group of friends, but this was not like other visits by some friends. This was meeting place, set up by Omega, about something important. But when something was wrong, there was no Omega. Jale was pacing around muttering bout there was sub post to be Oreos here for snacks, but weren’t. As for Nuparurocks, just stood looking at the window as if that would make him come. Final Chan’e had enough of waiting, and spoke up,” That’s it!!! He should be here by now, something had to happened to him. Are you guys with me to go find him?”


There was a long pause, before anyone said anything. But the first person to speak was Nuparurock with a smirk on his face. As he said” sure, there nothing important or good going on here”


Then all eyes turned to Jale, who was near to bouncing off the walls from the lack of Oreos, who said “why not, as long as there will be Oreos there.”


At this comment, the demon girl smiled. Then nodded walking out of the room, with the others following, closely behind her.


well, more will come soon.


Toa of Life

Kara Nui

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Hooo~ boy. I gots tingles! This was electrifyin'. I can't wait for the comic (Unless it's already out; I don't keep up with Art 3.) Great work, Demongirl!


- Bang

Yep Comics out :P

Thanks Zev.

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Thats ok. It proble needed that. But thanks for liking sooo far. Will write more after i do some Hw the Turaga gave me for leaving skool for 2 day to go vist the human world in Alabama.


Toa of Life

Kara Nui

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