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20 Questions 18: 2008



I know it's a little late in the weekend, but regardless...


Let's Play 20 Questions. I will think up something pertaining to Bionicle, and you must ask me questions to see who it is.




1: The questions can only be yes or no questions. So "Is he pink" works but "what color is he" doesn't.


2: There can only be one question per post, and no double posting.


3: I will edit my answer into every body's post. You can only add a second question in your post if I have already edited in my response.


I am thinking of something from 2008. It may be a character, object, or location, but it was directly introduced in this year.


Now, ask away, and see if you can figure it out in under 20 tries.






Edit: Wow, TMD got it in 6 guesses. Tied for the record. Coming next week: 2009!


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Aw, man, Keystones would have been my next guess.


I mean, there weren't many objects in 08, and the majority of them were weapons, so that leaves the Keystones, really.

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I could've specified which keystone...


Well, the 09 one will be easier, since there's not a whole lot I can choose from. :P



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