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Tuesday Fünf



Did you miss the Tuesday Five?What's your opinion of the 2009 sets?What do you think my opinion is?Look, a bunny!How're the folks?Also, if DV's opinion of the sets was embodied in the form of a woman, I'd marry her.


Recommended Comments

1: Kinda.

2: I think Vorox is awesome.

3: "huh is a life counter doing on a Bionicle o.O"


5: Eh. We're doin' pretty good...

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1. not really


2. Pretty cool, I enjoy how a lot of good pieces are getting recolors - lime Mantax feet, dark blue Mata feet, black Brutaka sword... you dig? Not to mention something about them fills me with a giddiness that's reminiscent of 2001. Dunno how though. And the general torso designs use old pieces but really for the most part aren't cookie-cutter torsos - they each have something that makes them different from what we've seen since 2006.


3. "aagh.gif"


4. lol, dinner


5. feh

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Not really.

Pretty dang awesome.

"Lego is horrible for catering to the tastes of the target audience instead of mine."

You say bunny, I say lagomorph.

They're doin' good.

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  • Did you miss the Tuesday Five? Well I'm right here aren't I?
  • What's your opinion of the 2009 sets? Do I have to have an opinion?
  • What do you think my opinion is? IT SUCKS. Understand that as you wish.
  • Look, a bunny! AAH GET IT AWAY
  • How're the folks? Who, my parents? THEY'RE DEAD. THANKS FOR THE SENSITIVITY DOK




just kidding


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Did you miss the Tuesday Five?

A bit, but its lack meant less timewasting. :P


What's your opinion of the 2009 sets?


Honestly, I think they're vastly overrated. I'd say they're on par with the Mahri and such, not superior to everything else. Sure, there are some great alterations, but there are some major flaws left unaddressed which could've been fixed easily (Gresh's legs, anyone?). And the titan sets are a major letdown from past years, particularly last year.


Now, the Glatorian. Sure, they look impressive, but there are some horrible flaws inherent. Gresh is way overrated; his gappy torso is annoying, and his legs are disproportionately thin. Also, for "bold warriors" like him, claws as the only form of thigh armour = NO. They don't cover enough, hence making his legs look ridiculously thin. Malum's shoulder armour, though a good innovation in theory, was horribly executed, as was Strakk's. Speaking of Strakk, he lacks colour coordination (as does Tarix), his build is hideous and just doesn't work for him, and his axe is plain dorky. Tarix's use of Inika shoulder armour as chest armour just doesn't work, and his legs are too stubby. Having said that, Skrall and Vorox are just fine, even having A NEW FORM OF THIGH ARMOUR. :happydance:


The titans are made of fail. Fero is just recycled in every way (Skrall helmet, anyone?), and Skirmix fails so hard. He recycles Kikanalo limbs, except done wrongly. His head sucks. His arms suck. His feet suck. Tuma is gappy beyond belief, he has pins sticking out everywhere (particularly the coloured ones ><), his shoulder armour is terribly executed (I mean honestly, fixing it would take fewer parts than its current state), his feet look slapped together at the last minute, and stickers on his mask = DO NOT WANT.


The thing is, most of the flaws inherent in the sets would have been extremely easy to fix, hardly altering the set's piece count at all (or, in one case, even lowering it). It would have been very easy to replace Malum's grey with Keetorange, hence fixing his colour scheme. I can think of a way to fix his shoulder-armour issue, though then again, it's rather part-consuming. It would have taken practically no effort at all to switch Gresh's Rahkshi legs for thicker, better-looking Piraka ones, and the "claw armour" could be fixed with perhaps six more parts. Strakk's colour issues could have been easily fixed by using one shade of blue as opposed to three. Tarix's legs simply require switching out to something longer, such as Inika or Piraka legs. Tuma's shoulder armour could be easily fixed by removing three parts holding it up and simply attaching the Mantax foot to two of these. As for Skirmix, we've seen far more imaginative thigh designs, so why change now? I mean really. It would hardly have taken much effort to fix these flaws, nor put much more strain on the moulding machines.


Seriously, why all the fuss? They're hardly better than past years.


What do you think my opinion is?

Perhaps mildly harsher than mine?


Look, a bunny!

Good, I'm hungry.


How're the folks?

My dad got promoted recently. =D

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Did you miss the Tuesday Five?

What's your opinion of the 2009 sets?

I believe they are sets that were released in 2009.

What do you think my opinion is?

You think Tarix's color scheme sucks.

Look, a bunny!

What you say?!?!

How're the folks?

What folks? Have you been spying on me?!?!

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