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S T O L E N.



So some complete imbecile decided to steal my backpack from the girl's locker room.




What's really weird is

1) they left my folders/spirals/books stacked on the floor

2) my backpack was in the very back of the locker room, in an incovenient place to take it

3) other people had small stuff stolen, but of course not THEIR backpacks, just MINE


But my Sansa mp3 player Old Faithful and my brand spanking new cameraphone are still in my backpack somewheres, along with my palm, which belongs to the school and costs a bunch of money, like, $200 something.



1) I just had to pay for a new keyboard for the palm a month or so ago

2) My mom just bought me new earbuds for Old Faithful cuz the old ones broke


Double ;;


Edit: Yes, I told the school SRO and everyone else besides; no, I cannot call my phone, it was off anyway, if I called it they wouldn't answer anyway, AND my mom suspended my account so the thief can't use my phone and run up our bill. Yes, I will do my best to help the SRO and the police find WHODUNNIT.




Recommended Comments

My brother, in sixth grade, put his backpack outside like everyone else before the specialist class, and it got thrown off the second floor balcony. Another time it was thrown in the trash can. WHY?!


People can be total...something-that-can't-be-said-here's...

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