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MT Zehvor


I know it's only Thursday, but I may not get to a computer tomorrow, so I will sing my weekend song now.


Thank you Lord thank you Jesus

Thank you Lord thank you Jesus

Thank you Lord thank you Jesus

Thank you Lord for this weekend.


Thank you Lord thank you Jesus

Thank you Lord thank you Jesus

Thank you Lord thank you Jesus

Thank you Lord for this weekend.


THANK you Lord and Jesus

THANK you Lord and Jesus

THANK you Lord and Jesus

For this wonderous glorious weekend


Thank you Lord thank you Jesus...


This isn't any sort of attack on religion. I'm a Christian. It's just what I sing after the last day of school of each week. (Yes, I know I need to get a life. But I had one, and it sucked, so now I'm hearing making people laugh on a children's website)


Anyways, this weekend, guess what I'm doing.




Other than writing new chapters and blogging. And playing TBTTRAH Hurt and Heal(look in sig, no, I'm too lazy to give you a link)


But that's kind of expected. This is really the worst time of year for me. It's cold, schools' in session, no football to watch, and you can't do anything on weekends(because school's on Monday)


How about you? Can any of you possibly like this kind of year? And if you do, can I have some of what you're taking? Or are you just content to start singing my weekend song with me...


Thank you Lord and Jesus..




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What? I LOVE this time of year! I like cold, I don't really watch football,(I am more of a baseball person) and it is almost the weekend, so I get to be on BZPower, and my friend is going to stay the night.

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Baseball isn't during this time of year either...


I'm ok with cold, but what it was is ridiculous. Last Friday it was 1 degree at my house. And 7 days later it's a 50 degree increase, 51 degrees. Weird.



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I don't want to go live with you frostbitten hoseheads. That's why I'm down here.


Where I'd rather be is in Miami or Hawaii. But that's not going to happen, unless Rahkshiking invites me to his house.



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Yay! Religion bond...or something like that..


I play airsoft, but most of the people I live next to don't like it. It's too "dangerous."


And football, well, there aren't many people who like football enough to play it.


So I'm here writing comedies and blogging on a children's website....go apathy..



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