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Slow Drivers

Spoony Bard


I hate people who drive slow. Drives me nuts (no pun intended). I go the speed limit, sometimes a bit faster, but not slow.


While coming home, people in front of me were so freakin' slow! Speed limit was 45. Person way up ahead was going like 30, so chain of reaction caused the other cars to drive slow. I wanted to go 45!


So yeah. If you drive very slow, then stay outa my way. ;)




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I know. Once I was with my dad, and in a 50 Zone, this dude was going about 25.



And Someone on the HIGHWAY Fast Lane was driving 45!





Just weird...

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I know. Once I was with my dad, and in a 50 Zone, this dude was going about 25.

And Someone on the HIGHWAY Fast Lane was driving 45!

Just weird...

Yeah. I hate that.


I also hate it when some dude just comes into my lane out of nowhere, and not even signaling me about it either.



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I hate people who drive slow. Drives me nuts.

Must have been a short trip.


Yeah. I'm not sure who irks me more; too careful drivers or too careless ones. They're both a menace to the roads.

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Oh yeah, that's really annoying, but what makes me more mad is people who don't use their turn-signals. I think about half the drivers out there don't use their turn-signals...ever. :fear: I think that might cause most accidents.





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I don't like slow drivers, but I hate reckless and fast ones even more. Our family car almost got thrown off the road when one cut our lane off. What made it even scarier was that it was at night... whew.

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Of coarse that driver in front wasn't me... Seriously... um... I can't d-drive, what do think I did, set a building on flames and high-jack a car so I could get away, I don't do that sort of stuff... REALLY... I I certainly wouldn't go slow from the overwelming fear of being caught and having never driven before, yeah, I think that sounded covincing



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I drive slow. Sometimes.


:lookaround: Please don't run me over, Omi.



Oh I wouldn't run you over. :)


Unless you dove right in front of my car, then it is inevitable. :P



The ones that take forever to get around corners are the worst.

Or the ones that think the green light means stop.



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I drive slow. Sometimes.


:lookaround: Please don't run me over, Omi.



Oh I wouldn't run you over. :)


Unless you dove right in front of my car, then it is inevitable. :P



The ones that take forever to get around corners are the worst.

Or the ones that think the green light means stop.



Yeah. It's the worst. I think the worst is somebody who thinks red is green. You won't see him again. Where do you live? I would love to crash into you.(Or your car)Um...Or get hit by an random car. :lol: :smilelewanu:


Edit:No wonder you're the "Butt Of All Jokes". It's like really funny. That is good right?

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The ones that take forever to get around corners are the worst.


Oh, don't even get me started.


I especially hate peopel who drive slow in the fast lane. Or when they are driving the EXACT speed as the person in the right lane, so you are stuck behind two cars with no where to go. That seems to only happen when I'm late for school or work.


Or when people cut you off. I don't get cut off a lot, but one day last week, I swear I got cut off at every traffic light. Someone would make a right turn and cut me off. So not cool.

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You should hear my dad when we're driving. It's very entertaining, but I don't think we want to repeat certain things. :P


(Though a reminder he didn't say anything seriously bad to some who went O.o at this sentence)

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I hate people who just wait... and wait some more.

Or the occasional bloke or woman who hasn't properly remembered some of our Dutch road rules.


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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


Saw an old Simpsons episode recently where Otto does some crazy bus driving and gets fired. Then Mr. Skinner takes over the bus, and he is way too cautious and keeps giving way to everyone.

Otto is the much better driver.

Sometimes when my Dad takes me to school (too lazy to catch the bus and too far to walk), he goes off over anyone that is too cautious or slow. He swears a couple of times, but not often. Shame. :P

He's a bit of a tailgater as well. :lol:

Even though I don't drive (yet! Muahaha!) I still get annoyed about the ones that don't move at the green light. They are the worst by far. Colour blind or what?

So yeah, they are all a pain. Much prefer the dangerous ones, unless it's a pub night, and they're drunk, or on something etc. Or they are madmen/women. Then I'd be scared.


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how 'bout sudden stoppers?

Depends on why they stopped. If there was like something in the road, then I wouldn't be angry. But if they just stopped like that, I will just keep driving straight. :D



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My dad or mom aint that kinda driver. My dad always goes 5 miles above the speed limit. My mom...she goes exact but she sucks at parking..>.< You what I really hate. When people have a chance to turn like the lane is empty for 30 seconds they still dont turn! Argh I got late to school for that.

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I hate slow drivers too. :P


However I am amused when elderly people drive in front of you with their blinkers on. XD


I'll be starting Drivers Ed next year....hopefully I wont be slow.



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