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Need Help Writing An Rpg? Say Hello To The Rpg Masters' Guild!

Crimson Jester


RPG Masters' Guild


What is this?


This is a group of Role Players who have experience and knowledge behind how these games work. Currently there are three members to this group; Robo, Crimson Jester, and Spink. The two on the ends (Robo and Spink) Have been known to help out with a few RPGs and get questions related to RPG Help to them, and for Crimson Jester (CJ), he has knowledge in many of the aspects and has experience from running several of his own, as well as writing up several.


We are here to help with other people with Role Playing in general, from IC structure, or just questions out of the blue on Role Playing Games that are Text Based, we are around to offer our help to those who want it. We do not consider ourselves the "Best" but are the three willing to answer these questions and help out with possible new RPGs. Since two are Judges for RPGs in COT, they generally know what will and what won't get by, so help from them is probably a good thing. CJ knows what he talks about, and knows how to structure and create an RPG, as well as play in them.


We are here to help, nothing more, nothing less.


We call ourselves the "RPG Masters' Guild" because we are a group of people who know what we're talking about and what we're doing, and have put ourselves in the group to help. The name isn't to give a "We're better than everyone demeanor" but just a fancy titles that sounds good.


There is not much else to say, that relates to this group, but this;


Robo - Basically the guy in the head of it, since the idea was generally his.

Crimson Jester - Robo's right hand man and second to know of this, and has graciously put this in his blog.

Spink - The Freshman of the group, he's the one who wrote up what you are reading, and so actually *GASP* DOES STUFF.


All three are open to any and all questions you may have regarding the TBRPG business.


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From what I know about successful RPGs is that the GM has to remain in it, like don't ditch it, and has to be more of an RPG for the people, not the individual who made it. Basically, don't just make it and have things your way all the time, let the players have input, let them be able to go and do some of their own things, allow them to do things that aren't completely constructed by the staff. Allow them to make a few characters (Two is what I allow to start off) so that they can have their own little thing going on. Not just "Here's what we're doing. I don't care what you think."
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Hmm, I don't suppose you guys know an answer for this, but is there any particular way to make a RPG successful?




I can't stress that enough. Give players options. They can be this or this or this, fight this or this or this, have this or this or this, let them choose! And crack the whip as little as possible.

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.... Ya, that makes sense...


Any other advice?

-Make sure you focus on what the players want. Pick an RPG that doesn't focus to heavily on one thing, but instead allows for many branches. You'll get a larger, broader range of RPers that way.


-Keep things nice and simple, and organized. I learned this one the hard way, with my 4,000 word RPG.


-Organization is also a critical aspect. Say you have an extremely disorganized opener post: people won't want to bother sifting through the RPG, and thus, you'll have no players.


-And, although this one seems really vain, it's quite true. Try to tie some big names to your RPG. Whether it be a rather famous basis for your RPG, or some well-known people, big names work surprising wonders.



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I'm not a head anyway, I'm more the antivirus that lives in your veins, taking out the bad stuffs silently without getting a hug ever :(

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Ya, but since I was within you at the time, i was swapped as well. So now i'm an antivirus in your non-existant veins, meaning i'm not confined anymore! :D


*prepares to attack central processing nexus*

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*Back-Time Invasion of futuristic Hex-Based organisms known as the Qax begins, whose sole purpose is to slow Robo enough for Wrack to switch with Teebs before the needle enters*


*it is successful and the Qax return to their homes in the far future on the surface of a red giant*

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Hex-based? Pathetic. I can program circles around Hex and Octal. A snap of the fingers and they are merely binary, and their ones and zeros will fall before me.


Try again ;)

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Alright, guys. I do appreciate all the comments you're getting me, but please, don't clutter up the page with off-topic junk. Save that for any non-RPGMG entry.

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