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Necrons And The Tau





With only an upainted Destroyer Lord and secondary Monolith both lying dormant far away in the depths of my 40K hobby cabinet, my Ulacant army is essentially -and FINALLY- completed. I might throw in a few more Immortals later on, but in the meantime I am more then satisfied with it.







I plan to "polish up" the Monolith later by thinning out the trimming *green lining* with chaos black.




I was originally going to do an entire blog entry showing pictures of how I paint these guys from start to finish, but Photobucket takes so painfully long to upload these photos that I decided against it. For now.





Alas, my Tau army is still not ready to be "fielded" so I'm only showing fragments of the mostly unpainted force. Seriously, painting these guys takes a huge chunk of time out of your days and half the time I don't want to do it. I need to take a break from painting so I can tweak my drawing skills *which I'm going to post the drawing of Miku with the faileyes soon just for input*








The Shas'Ui *helmetless dude* is my favorite of that batch, simply because I think I did a great job on his face- which I will still say to this very day I cannot paint human faces. The 'Eavy Metal team paints the Tau with red eyes, but I don't do that because I think it leaves the impression that they are evil due to the notion long burned into our minds that red eyes=evil.




Without these floating fishies, your Tau would be like turkeys with the best guns you could imagine- great at shooting and dangerous, but would drop like flies as you shot at them. The funny fact that remains is that this is the only one of three Tau vehicles that I own, the other two being unpainted simply because I almost NEVER eagerly jump into painting the vehicles- which is funny because I always find them the centerpieces for the army after I do so.




I've got 6 of these hombres in my force, and they are wicked- take those Fire Warriors from earlier, give them better armor, jump packs, burst cannons AND the ability to become stealthy/deduct enemy charging bonuses and you've got a tough squad of Flying Fire Warriors. I plan to eventually get another pack and bring the group up to nine. But in the meantime I think this does it well.




Man, if there is one thing people hate/envy the Tau for more then anything else, it's the Battlesuits. These guys can be souped up with a huge variety of weapons and have the awesome ability to jump and zip around the battlefield like a playground while still being able to fire and then take cover. I have two of these guys painted at the moment while I have another two *not including commanders and Broadsides* waiting to be prepped for the tabletop.




I actually finished these guys *conversion wise, of course* ages ago but only got to posting them now. If these guys could move and fly around like the normal battlesuits, then everyone not pledging alliegance to the Greater Good would be running screaming for cover. These bipedal tanks just blow the snot out of anything they can get a lock on. I didn't do too much over the top conversion work for these guys, more along the lines of personalizing then conversion.


For one, I made their legs look a whole more stable for something striding around with weapons that friggin' big. Second- custom basework. I also gave them some half-cool-half-silly "beret antennae" *aka I slapped a Battlesuit foot onto the side of their heads*...Why? 'Cuz I like soldiers with berets. Basically, I just slapped on bitz here and there to make them look as mechy and heavy as they should be while keeping them akin to the original designs of the Battlesuits to keep a "canon feel" to it *no, I did not mean "cannon"*.



So yeah, that's all for the time being! My Tau army is almost complete collection-wise, at least. What you're not seeing are the unpainted tanks, Kroot, Gun Drones, Pathfinders and Converted Guardsmen stored away in the "PAINT IT FGS" box.


Recommended Comments

Ooh! I love the color scheme on those Tau! But what I really think looks cool are those Immortals, I love how you painted the heads and have an almost royal looking color scheme of purple and gold.


I'd like to see how that broadside battlesuit looks now, since you're through painting it.

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