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Stupid People Of America!

MT Zehvor


Don't try this at home..


#1: A thief broke into a car and tried to go through the moveable seat in the back into the car. (So he wouldn't have to break in) However, while he was in the trunk, he managed to close it, locking himself inside the trunk, and since he couldn't get the seat to move....he was stuck..


I wonder how he explained that to the driver?


What if the driver hadn't opened the trunk, and he suffocated? One day the driver opens it and there's some random dead person inside...


#2: Two Arizona Cardinals fans were vandalizing Pittsburgh Steelers fan's property. (The Cardinals are playing the Steelers in the Super Bowl) No one knew who it was. But guess what. One of their "trips" they brought a box with one of the guy's addresses on it. And they left the box there.


So that didn't take long, especially when the guy showed up at the door with a Cardinal's hat on.


#3: A Montana teacher was riding his bike to school. On the way, he plowed straight into a bear. While the bike and bear were for the most part unharmed, the teacher was not. How do you miss a bear in the middle of the road? Or did he just think that bike > bear? I wonder how he explained that one to his students..


"Sorry I missed teaching you, but there was this bear that...um...suddenly materialized in the street, and I couldn't dodge it in time."


#4: At a police station, a 14 year old impersonated a police officer(No, it was not me) and actually went on duty in a car, looking for anyone breaking the law. It wasn't until after about 5 hours that someone finally noticed that this new officer had no badge, no gun, and he was way under age. How do you miss that?




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That is hilarious! I got several more for you.

1# Some guy tried to rob a bank, and he gave the teller a note saying, "Give me the money. this is a stickup." The thing is, he wrote it on the back of one of his deposit slips, which had his address, phone number made it easy for the police to trace it back to him.


2#A man robbed a bank and while he was waiting for the person to give him the money, he decided to take some of the lollipops that banks give out. While he was driving away, he kept eating the suckers and throwing the wrappers out of the car. Now these wrappers were bright and colorful, so it made it REAl easy for the police to just go straight back to his house.

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These are really funny! Here's one:


Three guys break into a mall. The police get there, and catch the leader. They handcuff him to a rail, and go to get the others. When they do, they come back to find the leader had cut the bar (How is a mystery...maybe he was part hacksaw) and had ran. They find out about an hour later he had gone to police station and asked that they remove the handcuff. True story.


Criminals are morons these days.

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Heres one that may or may not be true.


One criminal once tried to break his friends out of a police station. The guy hid the bomb in the cake. Problem was, the man didn't know, so he swalloed the rather small bomb. The other man then remotely activated the bomb.


He was suprised when he found that a criminal had recently spawntaneously blown up. Seeing as he had fed the criminal his last meal, the other man also was arrested.


To see another one that probably isn't true, just check out the first page of The Bionicles Try to Run a House.


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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Oh, no, Levacius, all of the jokes in my comedy are based on what the kids in my neighborhood do.




Really funny. Any others?



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Makes me kind of nervous. I mean, police are guys that are trained to see people lying, yet they can't even see a 14 year old impersonating one of them.





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Actually, I just remembered one that my firend showed me one time. it was in the newspaper.


This guy stole some stuff (I forget from where) and as he is running away on foot. He leaps over a fence and lands in some dog...stuff...He gets it on his shoes, and he keeps running, making tracks appear behind him. He gets in a car, and he speeds off, but he doesn't get more than like 10 feet before the car runs out of gas! Polic then follow the tracks and catch him.


That was more of an unluckiness thing, though.

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