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Lady Kopaka


Ok, ok, gee, I am updating! But onto the BZP news! *Serious news theme song*


Today, I would like to report that my fairly good friend and great artist, Zeestan has his birthday today. So everyone give him a good pat on the back.


LK is updating.


Lady Kopaka has been suddenly busy with much school work and a big Webcomic project, not to include that her dear sister*coughnotcough* has comenderd LK's computer 24/7.


Lady Kopaka's finger is much better. And she did indeed start drawing again the day after it got cut.


Lady Kopaka has now told me she seriously needs to stop talking in third person. Who am I then? Well...I am not really sure myself.




Um, anyway… hi? Well what's to say? On more subjects of BZP and me, I would like to point out that I have two short stories going along with the second chapter for my epic. ;) What are the short stories about? Well hints: They are both based on my favorite movies; one has my fav made up Bionicle.


Art eh? Well, I admit I haven't worked a lot on that. Been very into my comic (Think Ninja's), and I still need to finish those durned request. :P Sorry mates.


Anything else? Nope...Now to the matter of Real life.




On Saturday I had a sleepover with my bestest buddy Laur, yes a little late on telling this. But I just HAVE to tell you what we did! We did a netflix commercial (Best stuff btw) and here how it went.


A lady (my sister) comes walking in her living room, seemingly from outside. She puts keys down and is shocked to see what was in the living room.


There was some dead and freaky person (Laur) in a black dress lying on her couch. And this other Matrix like guy (me) is there.


Me: Hello, we are the horror movie you ordered from Netflix.


Laur: (Some how comes alive and smiles) Hi!


That was the best thing I have done with her in a long time.


Goodness gracious! Here I go again ranting about random stuff, and it is sure that no one is brave enough to read this. Well, farewell all!


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Ha ha ha, that's hilarious. Evilpanther93 like the part of your Bestest friend. Hope you like the sleepover! Evilpanther93 also hopes your finger get better too!


Bye Bye



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Ooh! I'm mentioned! :D


Good to hear that your finger is healing. And I know what one of your stories I about. You guessed it, I was reading over my brother's shoulder while you two were instant messaging. Sounds interesting


Sounds like you had a good time at that sleep-over. Sleep-overs are so much fun. :)

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Good to hear that your finger is healing.

This is the kind of stuff people with no lives talk about.


Seriously, if you don't stop this third-person thing, I'll send to dumb police after you.

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Kopaka's Ice Engineering summons Little Miss Krahka to smack some divine might into DJ FunkNiddy McAngry Nid.

Kopaka's Ice Engineering then proceeds to get a good seat for the show.



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Kopaka's Ice Engineering summons Little Miss Krahka to smack some divine might into DJ FunkNiddy McAngry Nid.

Kopaka's Ice Engineering then proceeds to get a good seat for the show.




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ha ha ha!!! could u get that vid on the your blog somehow? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!! :superfunny: thats brilliant ha ha ha aha ahuh *starts coughing* bleh heh heh ha ha ha ha ha !!!! o man!!!! classic!!! :superfunny:

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