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Excuse Me, I Just Got Back Into Star Wars Agian.

Lady Kopaka


Yeah, after a talk about doing a Star Wars story with a good friend of my'n, and then of course just talking about Star Wars itself for awhile, I kind of got obsessed with it again. :P So I am probably going to change my theme in a moment on my blog.


Speaking of something(Before I get back on the Star Wars Topic real quick), I decided I should make a content blog telling of all my past themes, I remember most of them, but does anyone remember when I really started up the theme and all?


Back on topic, I am now over the Old Republic (Even though they are good, that includes KotOR), I'm getting into the New Republic and New Jedi Order. It’s great to get back into those characters like Han Solo, Leia, Luke and such. Though, it’s still rather painful to study/read about. ;_; Poor Anakin Solo and Chewie.

My friend let me borrow a book called Star By Star, so far it's really good. But dear lord, those Yuuzhan Vong scare me to death, and the worst part about it, there isn't an official story yet on how the Republic defeats them. Not only that, but think about what’s to come next year! New stuff, new info, continuing through the EU(Expanded Universe) and THE STAR WARS TV SERIES!....Lets just hope it ain't tacky.


I am now going to be drawing lots of Star Wars stuff, so be wary; I might post some on here....

I really love designing clothes and creating species. Very fun.


Off the topic of Star Wars(:lol:) I must tell you today is International Suzie Day. What is that? Well it is to celebrate ME of course!

No seriously.

Ok, maybe a bit of a joke. But my friend is making a music video thing for all of her friends, and she was getting footage of me for the sleepover we had yesterday/today. So I was looked up upon. ^^ So just prepare you calendars for NEXT year...


Ok I forgot to point out, that at the sleepover, we watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Best Indy movie so far), so I am also going through a faze with ol' Indy.


Ok, maybe it's Harrison Ford? <3 Ford.


....Yes, see here? You made me do another long entry! I am talking total nonsense. Good grief...




I got a question, who should I dress up for Halloween? I need to start planning now, but I cannot decide.

  • Indiana Jones
  • Captain Barbossa
I can't decide...But ignore the fact that I am woman. :P


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I should watch the Indiana Jones movies. I've only ever seen the beginning of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I love Harrison Ford.


Before you go into Star Wars Mode, who's the woman (who is quite good-looking, I think) in your bio piccy-thingy? Reminds me of the lead singer of Nightwish. :P


Hmm... I haven't done Halloween for the past two years, so I'm not good at this stuff. :P

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I also have experienced this faze resently, along with my spiderman faze, since I decided to start playin the spiderman 2 game again. My halloweens are always depresing, I sit at home waiting for trick or treaters, ocasionally if I feel like being mean I'll get me boba fett suit on, along with the cool blaster I got, and scare the wits out of the kids. other than that, my haloweens are degrading, mabey I'll get a stormtrooper helmet to make me feel better. Too bad the armore is like threehundreddolars...



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Happy Lady Kopaka Day!


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I'm the Lady Kopaka Fan, and I'm here to say Happy Lady Kopaka Day!

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Credit not necessary
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Before you go into Star Wars Mode, who's the woman (who is quite good-looking, I think) in your bio piccy-thingy? Reminds me of the lead singer of Nightwish.


Looks like the lead singer of Evanescence to me.



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Sorry to correct you LK, but they do have the official ending to the Yuuzhan Vong War. Now Star Wars is in the Legacy of the Force era. I'm such a geek. :lol:


Indianna Jones all the way. Not to slant Barbossa of course, but an Indy costume would be much easier to put together. I should know. My brother TRoF is going to be Barbossa for Halloween and the costume is proving tricky. I on the other hand, am going to be Indianna Jones for Halloween (so I'm not left without a costume).


Slightly offtopic (as if it matters in a blog): my other brother ~Po~ is going to be Captain Jack Sparrow. :)

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Nah, if you've read any books by Ted DeKker or Frank Peretti, you would know that you must go as Marsuvees Black or Barsidious White. That's cuz trench coats own. So do tin masks.


Fine. Go as Barbossa, as Sparrow would be too cliche. Probably every other kid will be going as him.


BTW, do you know Halloween's history? It's pretty neat.

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*Adds quote for clarity.*


I got a question, who should I dress up for Halloween? I need to start planning now, but I cannot decide.

Why not go as a female Kopaka? You know the directions for the Tahu costume which were up on Lego.com a few months ago? You can very easily alter them to make a Kopaka costume. And then, all you'll need is a blue cape...


Who cares if no one recognizes you? :P That didn't stop Traku.




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i like Indiana Jones somwat :P , i love starwars and LOTR tho and i LOVE Eragon.!!!!! wub wub. U have serious fangirl problems and serious obsession problems :wired: seriously. Go as Lady Kaguya (duh) or have u been that alreay??? o well if not LK than Barbossa for sure (i dont think Indy is that great an idea)


I'm goin as!!!! Vice-Principle Crubbs from ned declassified!!!!!!!! Your fired!!!!!!!!!



I didn't know about a starwars TV series!!!!!!! cooooooooool!!!!!! and i havnt read the books but i've read the bios and seen pics and the yuuzan watcha-call ems (danggit why did they have to make their names so stinking long!!!!!!!), oh its Yuuzan Vong thats right, they look scary. Yeah well i think the starwars theme looks kinda cool :shrugs: but i think u should have gone old republic (not old old republic but the stuff in the prequiles) Have u read the Jedi Apprentice series? Tho those books r short they have sum cool info in them. And then of course there's the last of the jadi and jedi quest series but i wont go into those. :lol:

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I am now going to be drawing lots of Star Wars stuff, so be wary; I might post some on here....


Kewl.....I beat you to it though. :P


Be sure to PM me when you put those up.....I luv Star Wars. :)


Ignore everyone else, Be a Storm trooper for Halloween... XD



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Sadly, after consulting about it, I don't believe I have time to finish a Captain Barbossa costume in time. :( Of course I will be him for Pirates III, I just don't have time nor anyone else to help me with the costume.


So I am just going to go as Indiana Jones. His costume is easy for me since I don't have the time to make things fancy.

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If you had a trench coat you could be Marsuvees Black...


Yeah, I'm still obsessed with Showdown. It's thought provoking. You should read it.



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Crossdressing is GREAT TIMES MAN! GREAT TIMES! Of course, I tend towards an androgynous style in general, so maybe I should just freak everyone out by dressing up really femme this year.


Currently I'm planning on going as even geekier males, either Gordon Freeman from Half Life (though how I can manage to go the entire time without saying a word), Charlie Chaplin, Dan Bejar (Which would get a ton of odd looks), a generic gothy Victorian gentleman in the least Panic! At The Disco manner I can muster (like being somewhat period), a punk rock vampire (what I'll probably go with), or maybe a rediculously cutsie Lolita girl.


Yeah. Most of those have facial hair. Goatee for Freeman, 'Stache for Chaplain (I will punch out anyone who thinks that I'm Hitler you FREAKS), full-time beard for Bejar. And one could just be androgynous as usual (gentleman) and the punk rock vampire and Lolita could actually be female!!!!


I'll figure it out. I'm a MASTER of the last minute costume. Seriously. MASTER.


Don't be a pirate. Everyone's going to be a pirate this year. EVERYONE.

I vote for Indie. We can have weird dubious fake stubble together.



And KotOR is awesome. I need to start playing it again. I was playing KotOR II a while as a Dark Side Male and was having a blast, but then it got kinda buggy on me and I couldn't make it past the Ravager. Which made me saaaaad. So yeah.


Though I also must admit to finding the Legacies comics to be quite facinating. I haven't read them much, but I'm in favor of them. I've been all "You claim this is science fiction and you can't even get into the future yet? Sheesh! THE NEW REPUBLIC MAN! WHAT ABOUT."

Plus the idea of a war between the Empire and the Sith rocks my socks off so hard.

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