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Indy In 09



I just read the new News report about the Canadian Toy Fair, where they're showing off some of the 09 sets. The Bionicle ones are interesting, but what caught my eye were the new Indiana Jones sets. So here, I will discuss them.


And I will only base my opinion off the pictures posted in the news article. (I actually tried to find better leaked images, but couldn't locate them. :( I didn't know breaking the rules could be so hard sometimes...)


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Okay, there seem to be three sets featured here. There may be more... the blog didn't really give much information in them, just some pictures.


First off, you have the graveyard scene from IJ IV. It looks like a nifty play theme setup, and if it follows anything like the movie scene, there are bound to be all sorts of little traps around there. Plus, you've got a Conquistador too, and another motorcycle. Interesting, but it's probably also the most expensive set there, so I probably won't be getting it.


Wait, hold that... there's a boat chase with an archway / bridge. Okay, now that may be the most expensive. Kazim looks weird... they had a better hat design in the game, but it looks like it includes a Indy professor minifig on the other boat, so that's cool. Strangely, I don't see Elsa anywhere, on the boats, but that may be because the set-up people wanted to put her on the plane.


Which brings us to... Trouble in the air. One of the cooler scenes from the third movie, as well as the game. Looks like it comes with two planes, a German fighter, Indy, and Sean Connery... I mean, Pr. Jones Sr. When I first saw the picture, I thought it came with Elsa, in which I decided that I would get it. Now I realize it probably doesn't include her, so I might not be getting it. (And frankly, I don't know how many Lego sets I'll be getting this summer anyway, might be closer to zero).


So these look like three really cool sets based off some good movie scenes (especially from Last Crusade) but they all look big and expensive. Why are there no impulse buys? You know what I really want... I want a minifig set, like they did with the original Rock Raiders or like they do with some of the Star Wars characters. A set that includes Indy, the three lead female roles, some of his sidekicks like Short Round and Salah, as well as Senor Jones. Even if that sold for $10+, I would get it solely as a collectors set.


Anyway, it's cool to see that Lego's putting more into their Indiana Jones contract, even if they don't look like much next to the massive amount of Star Wars.




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I hear ya on big sets. Too expensive.


And I also hear ya on small sets. I wouldn't mind getting a $10 set from each theme. I'd end up spending about $50, get about 10 new minifigs for my collection, and a nice amount of parts. Maybe a $20, but $30 is pushing it for me. (Note no Droid Gunship in my possession.)



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