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Super Bowl Thread

MT Zehvor



It's Super Bowl week! And while none of you may like football at all, I do. So this is the official Super Bowl thread...and if you see any others, then sue them for me. Because they're not official. Mine is. Why? Because mine is on a genuine children's website.

I am so cool.

Anyways, this year's commercial fest Super Bowl is between the Arizona Cardinals(12-7) and the Pittsburghevil satanic people Steelers(14-4).


Since this has a tendency to be a really slow board, I'm starting this now and not on Friday or Saturday because if I do then, I'll have a grand post count on this thing of about 3 posts. If I post now, maybe I'll have 5. (I can always hope)

But now about the game. The Cardinal's hopes pretty much lie squarely in the hands of their offense, which is usually one of the best in the league. Depending on the weather. So don't be surprised if you see a few Cardinal's players thanking God the Super Bowl is in Tampa Bay, and not in say, New England. (47-7)

Arizona's defense is horrible. I'm sorry. But that's how it is. They gave up 47 to the Patriots, 56 to the Eagles, and 56 to the freaking Jets. So that's why the offense has a little bit of pressure on it.

The Steelers have a pretty good offense, nothing spectacular but they do get the job done, unless of course they start snapping the ball out of the end zone. The Steelers did score 35 on the Chargers in the AFC Championship and 33 on the Patriots, both who usually put forth a good defense. (although the Patriots did turn the ball over 5 times)

The Steelers defense is probably the best in the league. They force turnovers, they get to the quarterback, and they make plays. And they hit people. Really hard. Ask Willie McGahee. I hope that guy's all right...

While I hate Pittsburgh, I do think they will win. My prediction is Steelers 20, Cardinals 14. But I'm rooting for Arizona, if that counts for anything...



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Dude, Pittsburgh will win by more. The Steelers are awesome.


EDIT: I knew you'd beat me to this, Snoopy82! (Oh, and great av, Snoopy! Reagan FTW!)

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I resent our my city being called evil and satanic, joke though it may be.


Says the guy with the Ronald Reagan avatar.

Another joke, this one with Reagan: # of letters in his 3 names:







Scary. From what I know, he wasn't that bad a president, but it is pretty funny.


Dude, Pittsburgh will win by more. The Steelers are awesome.


That's my prediction. I think with 2 weeks to prepare, as in the BCS National Championship, the Cardinal defense will be able to scheme and prepare for the Pittsburgh offense. So it'll be a low scoring affair, at least, compared to other Arizona games.



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Says the guy with the Ronald Reagan avatar.

Another joke, this one with Reagan: # of letters in his 3 names:







You. Me. Talk.


Despite the fact I'm only about three hours from Phoenix, and the fact I am not a football fan, I root for the Stealers, mainly because my dad is a Stealers fan, and I have nothing better to do. Now go kill something.


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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First off, it's Steelers, referring to steel, not thieves.


Secondly, I didn't choose the guy's name. I just think it's kind of funny.


Now go kill something.


Wow...was the Reagan joke really that offensive?


Go Cardinals.



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I don't really like Arizona, but I hate Pittsburgh. So that's why I'm pulling for the Cardinals.



Same here. Go Cards!



Carpe Diem


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The Cardinals lost. I won the bet. Maybe I should have bet money instead of glory. I will next year.


Super Bowl is over. Hey MT, I don't think we need this anymore, do you?


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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Bet? We never had a bet.


We don't really need the thread, but it's fun to look at anyway.


And, yes, the dumb Steelers won. Cards scored too early.



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