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Blue And White

ToM Dracone


The most awesome thing happened today: I fell over laughing.


And no, that is not hyperbole. I literally fell over.


As the last day of Spirit Week, today was Blue and White Day, after the school colors. It's mainly a field day involving the entire school, divided into blue and white teams, and with the Seniors partnered with the first-graders, the Juniors with the second-graders, the Sophomores with the third-graders, and so on. (And I'm always assigned to the white team, even though I have a lot more blue in my wardrobe ...) Anyway, each person is paired with someone in the corresponding grade, so I had one of the third graders.


On a philosophical note, it's annoying that Spirit Week, homecoming, and all those things that promote school spirit are so close to the beginning of the year. If you're new – like I was last year – it's almost impossible to have spirit for a school you barely know. You don't really know people and probably haven't adjusted yet, so it's a bit hard to socialize as you're supposed to ... And then Blue and White Day isn't much fun if you don't know anyone well. Since you work in teams of your color, with everyone from your grade and the partnered grade as one team. (Although the grades get switched around after the first couple rounds.)


This year, it was much more (and extremely) fun. A lot of my friends were on the white team with me, and it only helped that the third-graders were rather insane. In the good way. Half the time they were tackling each other and wrestling, white against blue ...


Anyway, normally I hate sports and avoid them if possible. But Blue and White Day is hardly sports, more along the lines of entertaining activities, such as passing a hula hoop along a ring of people holding hands, which was the most fun event. The obstacle course (something of a relay: run it and a person in the line at the other end runs back), however, was when the incident occured.


Part of the obstacle course is a long board with four cups of water on it, which you have to walk on without knocking over the cups. And if you do, you have to refill them. On one of his turns, Lowell accidentally spilled a cup, so we shouted to him that he had done so. So he ran back, grabbed it, and refilled it ... and then promptly slid, fell, and knocked it over again. So he went and refilled it again. During this, my knees gave way. My side of the line was already doubled over with laughter, leaning on each other for support. I still have a cold, so I already couldn't breathe, and I just fell over and lay on the ground because I was laughing so hard. One of the two best parts of the day. (And don't worry, we love Lowell. He's awesome.)


The other best part of the day was that the combined Freshman/Sophomore boys white team won their tug-of-war (against the blue team of the same grades). My hands hurt for hours afterward, but we managed to win! Which helped the overall white team win – something that apparently hasn't happened in four years. So we were all happy.


Of course, I was quite tired afterward, but who cares? Three-day weekend! Woot!

– ToM


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No way. Your school just had it's Spirit Week, too? Canny! :o At first, since it seems your school contains all grades, I wondered if you go to the same school as I do. XD Doubts are high. Our Spirit Week was American-themed this time around, yesterday was our Red, White, and Blue day.

Anyway, sounds like a lot of fun for ya!

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*is seething green*


Ah well, good for you that you had a great day! Yes, knowing you, it definitely helped that you had lovely insane third-graders to assist your team. And thank goodness it ain't sports!


Enjoy your three day break! Man, I wish my poly had such events...



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My school never had a Spirit Week... <_<


Oh, that kind of spirit... Nope, never had one of those either. Catholic schools tend to have only one kind of spirit. Well, there was a wine cellar too, but I digress.

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