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Superbowl Commercials



Transformers 2 looks...well, there wasn't much besides the Baysplosions and Shia LeBoeuf (and the army guy), and some transformations. But at the very least it was nice to finally see a commercial. The trailers can't be far behind. (I suspect I'll see it in the end. They should have released it on July 4th like last time.)


The Coke commercial with the bugs (and Peter and the Wold music) was nice.


The G.I.Joe movie looked awesome up to the title frame, upon which I realized it was G.I.Joe. I'm not the kind of kid that was ever interested in them. But if (FSM forbid) I'm working at the theater over the summer, I'll see it for free, maybe, (along with Transformers 2).


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: Always listen to experts. They'll tell you what can't be done and why. Then do it.

-Robert A. Heinlein


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Yeah, the commercials weren't that great.

So... they'll make a GI Joe movie... but not a Halo movie? WHAT IS HAPPENING
(Yes, I know there are rumors that it is in production... but honestly, this should have happened five years ago.)

I just laughed when it was liek "GI Joe"

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I just watched it for...wait. I didn't. I just watched the commercials online afterward.


I love the "I'm Good" pepsi ad.

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