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Sick Day







"Long time no see!"




"How is you?"


"Eh, fine I guess. Still hanging around next to T. You hear anything about U?"


"I has no idea."


"Yeah, neither does J."



... that actually has nothing to do with the rest of this entry. Just an anecdote I don't think I ever shared. :P (I'm the second speaker BTW)


So I wasn't on the intertubes at all for most of yesterday. That is because I was sick. That is also why I happen to be on the 'tubes right now, instead of in school. I mighta been able to go to school today, if it weren't for the fact that a lot of homework didn't get done yesterday due to said sickness an my parents are like, "Screw it, you're a senior, take the day off." So here I am.


And, since it's obligatory once a week, chapter 9 of 52-pickup.


Also! Since I was sick yesterday and not on the interwebs during the afternoon, I only just got to watch episode 4 of Rideback! It was awesome! I mean, I was already sold on this series, but episode 4 was just awesome! Uh, I don't think I'm being very specific. Anyway! Go watch this show!


Now I've got an essay to write...




Recommended Comments

You don't need subtitles to understand screeching wheels, smashing glass, and crazy driving!


... and also blogs with episode summaries are nice.


And reading the character page beforehand. Otherwise I might not have picked up that two of the new characters are journalists.

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