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I redid the blog blocks a bit, and finally gave in to the urge to use categories. SO YOU'VE TAKEN ME NOW! ARE YOU HAPPY!? Sick freaks...


But anyhoo, I have nothing to do today, after finally finishing my English last night. I plan to go with my third consecutive day of wearing the same shirt and not taking a shower, and in general being a bum. Woo!

Today's the first Saturday of the month. Y'know that? It seems like it's taken forever for the weekend to come around again. You know what else takes forever to come around? My digressions.


Speaking of non sequitor digressions, GD is totally, definitely, not repetitive. I think most of the good topics have been used up, sadly. We had the quotes topic going, and recently, there was that violence in Bionicle topic that spawned some NINJA PIRATE ROBOT ZOMBIE-level of good discussion. From now on, it seems a tad leaning towards the "What would you do if...", which is fine. The problem is, with all the previous ideas used up, it's turned into "What would you do if...Tahu Nuva had slapped Gali Nuva, and then Lewa came in and realized he WASN'T Nuva, and they thought they should go to the hospital, but there wasn't any hospital, and they didn't even know what a hospital was, and though this may sound odd, I would love some chocolate, but then Onua came with his chainsaws (BRRBRUBRUBRUMMMM!!!) and started the Onu-Koro Chainsaw massacre?! WHAT WOULD YOU DO!?!?"

And the replies typically come back among the lines of, "I'd gather an army to defeat Makuta", even when Makuta isn't involved in this story topic.


But don't get me wrong, I love the GD forum, it's one of the more active forums around the land. It's totally the easiest place for a newbie to get his/her first hot topic. And it's got a great acronym! I love saying GD. Hm.


Well anyway, I'm going to stop typing and get some of that chocolate :P


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"When Makuta isn't involved at are."

Where are be?


Seriously, I think GD is lacking some originiality. They've resorted to 30 day old ideas again.

"The other topic died, so I started this one! :D"



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I've said this a kazillon times but General Discussion is the forum with the least amount of discussion. The topics that do have discussion is either another violence topic or another gears topic. What happened to real discussion?


Though I post a whole lot in GD. It is a nice place to go because it's 'general' but it's also the easiest forum to mock. It's all noobish and dupish though and the topics are getting weird like 'What would you do if in 1 million years in the future you were on Tahu's back, ON FIRE!111111111'


It's still good though. Maybe we need to make some topics there. I've been meaning to say 'Close If Nude' for a long time =P


Personally, I want 'Which member has the best sig?' and 'Which new member rocks your socks off?' as topics. Blerg.

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Hey, Exo!! Thanks for promoting me AGAIN!! First it was one topic, then it's another!! Do you even KNOW that you are promoting me? Well, yeah, that quizzery quiz topic in the pic above is mine. And BTW, I posted in the other one, and the two topics (the one that's mine, and the one that's... some guy I don't know's) are completely different. Mine is a personality quiz, his is asking what your "profession" is on BZP (author, blogger, artist, etc.). So, yeah. Thanks for unintentionally promoting me again!!!!!!!!!!!!



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