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W O W ! That Just Killed My Day!





wow. what's next?




ugh. what's wrong with saying "Comment here" That's why we have comments, it gives a little friendly competition to the bloggers.


I am sooo not renewing premier next year. T^T




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Because it's utterly pointless. Same reason we don't allow topics on the forums that just say "post here" – they exist for effectively no reason but to take up server space (which costs money) that could much better be used by something with an actual point to it.


Basically, it's deliberately asking for spam, and when has that ever been allowed on BZP?

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Honestly, some of the regular blog entries people have are even more stupid and pointless compared to these "comment drives"... in comment drives people usually just create their own topic and comment on that topic (driving up the comments while not really spamming) so I don't see the point of this.

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I don't see the point of it either, but as I learned from the last rule in the blogs where they took away something, I don't want to complain because my full +5 bar of proto is the most prized possession I own.





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That's why we have comments, it gives a little friendly competition to the bloggers.
FYI, that's not the reason. Comments are there so the bloggers can get feedback on entries, and see what others think about what they say, not so we can all compete to see who has the most comments.


I am sooo not renewing premier next year. T^T
So wait, if I'm understanding this correctly, you're saying that because they aren't allowing comment drives in blogs anymore, you aren't going to renew your membership? Why? That just makes no sense to me. There are other things you can do with a blog than collect comments.
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There are other things you can do with a blog than collect comments.

You're making it look like Sunny is only "cares" for comments, almost everyone that has a blog is obsessed with comments, the blog with the most comments right now has had attempts at a comment drive (one which is still open btw), so it's not just this one blog that's had a bid for comments. Everybody wants more comments in their blog, it shows people read it and care enough to post in it.

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There are other things you can do with a blog than collect comments.

You're making it look like Sunny is only "cares" for comments, almost everyone that has a blog is obsessed with comments, the blog with the most comments right now has had attempts at a comment drive (one which is still open btw), so it's not just this one blog that's had a bid for comments. Everybody wants more comments in their blog, it shows people read it and care enough to post in it.

If you have to post meaningless spam entries begging for comments to feel that people read and care about your blog, you don't deserve their comments, because there's nothing worthwhile for them to comment on. Spam has never been allowed on BZP, and comment drives do nothing but beg for it. That we have allowed them this long has been an oversight, and we have fixed this. You can complain all you want, but the point of blogs on BZPower is not comments based on utter nothingness, but on blog entries that allow our members to discuss things that normally fall outside of the BZP range in more detail. Our lives, our thoughts, our ideas, whatever. This is the point of a blog in general.


Honestly, some of the regular blog entries people have are even more stupid and pointless compared to these "comment drives"... in comment drives people usually just create their own topic and comment on that topic (driving up the comments while not really spamming) so I don't see the point of this.

Then create an entry about that topic. Then the comments will be on topic. Empty entries promoting spammy comments will be locked. Period.

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So why aren't spammy entries promoting spam locked? I'm just saying once something is disallowed one can either enforce it fully or not.


I could care less since I'm not a PM, it's just a fault within the system that might need fixing.

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So why aren't spammy entries promoting spam locked? I'm just saying once something is disallowed one can either enforce it fully or not.


I could care less since I'm not a PM, it's just a fault within the system that might need fixing.

Spam is different in blogs. If you post an entry on, say, squirrels, and everyone posts on how awesome squirrels are, with goofy pictures of squirrels, this is not spam, no matter how mindless it is. However, if the entire point of the entry is spam, like in a comment drive, where there is no topic or idea to follow, then it is spam through and through, and from the here on out, shall be closed.

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I'd like to think that of the Blogs as a free space on BZPower. There is a lot, I repeat, a lot you can get away with in the blogs. You paid for that right. But to paraphrase a famous saying, freedom of speech isn't yelling Fire! in a crowded movie theater.


Additionally, I'm not going to take Proto away because you don't like the idea. That would be childish. The rule's not there for you to like. But it is there just the same.

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Additionally, I'm not going to take Proto away because you don't like the idea. That would be childish. The rule's not there for you to like. But it is there just the same.

Well you're Mak, you wouldn't do that to me since you've got good common sense.


Some staff, however, like taking proto for absolutely no reason.

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Some staff, however, like taking proto for absolutely no reason.
Um, what now? If a staff member takes away proto, they have a reason, be it for a rule broken or a warning ignored, but there is always a reason to back and justify it. If they did take it away for no reason, they wouldn't be staff for long, now would they?
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Some staff, however, like taking proto for absolutely no reason.
Um, what now? If a staff member takes away proto, they have a reason, be it for a rule broken or a warning ignored, but there is always a reason to back and justify it. If they did take it away for no reason, they wouldn't be staff for long, now would they?

Well it happened to me. And that's that, not like I can "PM an admin about it" or something, cuz that got me nowhere.

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Hmmm...I didn't read every single post here (I've been gone for the weekend) But I'd like to point some things out.


The reason why I really dislike this rule is because...


1.) This ultimately means we can no longer say things like, "Post your thoughts about this here." Because you know, that COULD LEAD UP TO SPAM!


2.) Things like Tuesday Fives & Favorite things Fridays are technically asking for comments. "Post your favorite things about your Friday Here." or "Answer these Tuesday Five Questions" etc.


3.) It takes away any friendly-fun competition the blogs used to have, because you can now no longer ask for comments, or really have fun with them anymore.


I'm just saying that whoever picked this rule, could have put more thought into it, I mean for real, it takes away 50% of the blogging world fun.


Also, I'm not not going to renew premier next year because I won't get any comments. It's because if the rules keep going the way they're going, there won't be anymore comments, and you'll probably only be able to blog about bionicle things or something like that.



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I don't think people realize how much freedom they get with blogs, compared to the rest of BZP. Personally I think it's silly just to have a blog to get comments. Blogs are around to discuss about yourself, a topic (even if silly) or something else like that. It's one thing to have fun, but when those useless messages which have little worth in it, it eats up the server and costs money on bzp. It’s like they are working and paying to keep bzp running, but a lot of that space is just going to spam. There are more fun activates than just that.


Also, I could be wrong but I think the staff is bluntly saying just stop with the comment driving. I don't think they are discouraging some of the overall fun/random things; it's just not cool when you're hanging around just take up space on the server for comments that mainly just comment for the sake of...comments.


It just needs some common sense IMO--its fun and cool to comment and some funny topic, it's another to say "let's see how many comments we can get!"


I mean, I can understand the frustration and disagreements, so your choice on if you want to keep supporting blogs or not is your choice…but people shouldn’t take the freedom in blogs for granted when you can do so many other things and still get lots of comments, just the origin of the discussion needs to be worthwhile.



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A reason of mine on why I think comment drives should be disallowed is that when a Bloggie is busy for a few days (e.g. school), a particularly popular comment drive becomes very hard to moderate if it has been active for a few days.


It ain't fun to be forced to plow through hundreds of spammy comments in a single entry. >_<

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Hmmm...I didn't read every single post here (I've been gone for the weekend) But I'd like to point some things out.


The reason why I really dislike this rule is because...


1.) This ultimately means we can no longer say things like, "Post your thoughts about this here." Because you know, that COULD LEAD UP TO SPAM!


2.) Things like Tuesday Fives & Favorite things Fridays are technically asking for comments. "Post your favorite things about your Friday Here." or "Answer these Tuesday Five Questions" etc.


3.) It takes away any friendly-fun competition the blogs used to have, because you can now no longer ask for comments, or really have fun with them anymore.


4.) I'm just saying that whoever picked this rule, could have put more thought into it, I mean for real, it takes away 50% of the blogging world fun.


Also, I'm not not going to renew premier next year because I won't get any comments. It's because if the rules keep going the way they're going, there won't be anymore comments, and you'll probably only be able to blog about bionicle things or something like that.



1- This is not against the current rules as this implies that the rest of the entry was about a specific topic, and was asking for thoughts related to that topic.

2- Also not against the rules.

3- The point of blogs aren't to get the most comments. Friendly competition is fine, but using spammy entries to bate spammy posts to prove your blog as more popular is dumb, and now against the rules. You want your blog to be the most popular with comments? Now it's a real competition. Make the best non-spammy entries.

4- We all decided on this. While one of us actually put it into print, it was a group effort. We stand in this together. Period. We put quite a bit of thought into this, and we have not limited the potential of blogs that already existed. It's akin to posting a topic in COT that says "post here to make this topic the most popular ever". This is against the rules. Always has been.


We are not going to limit the topics you can blog about (besides the religion and politics limitations [and we're even more lenient on mentioning these things in the blogs than the forums as is]). You won't have to blog about just Bionicle, that's not the point of the blogs. Don't be silly.


The ONLY entries affected by this new rule are the ones mentioned in the rule. We won't close silly topiced blogs, or goofy topiced blogs, etc. We will close blogs that exist solely to net comments. We will only close comment drives. Entries that contain "comment here, my blog is lonely," "help me get more comments than so and so!"


That's it.

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