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Hehe, I Got Contacts :p



Yeah, my sight is not doin' to well so I just went to the optomitrist to get my prescription. I got temporary ones 'till the actual contacts come in. I just took them out and it feels like hundreds of eyelashes are on my eye :wacko: . But the good news is, I can see stuff better further out now :D .


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Hey Family Guyce! Kewl blog you got here! ^_^


I've never needed contacts or glasses.

I find the whole slipping something onto your eyeball kind of......well..........creepy..... :P



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*Gasp* you used my RS name :P .


It's not exactly "slipping" per se. But hey, the new colored contacts would be pretty cool for Halloween, imagine someone with RED contacts that make your eyes red. See? But yeah, being nearsighted for farsighted is such a nuisance. But yeah, my mom is letting me get blue colored contacts :D . I might convince her into letting me get red ones for Halloween :P . I'm not much a costume person myself, so I could just scare lil kids with my red eyes. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! :lol:

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welcome to the club.


You wear contacts? :blink:

Red Contacts? You Are a creepy man. :P

But for halloween I guess it's okay. XD


~-VC-~ (Varaka)

Keep that in mind won't you? :evilgrin:

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Don't worry.

All contacts will eventually make your eyes red. Especially the whites of your eyes. :P


I wore contact lenses from the end of the eighth grade, through high school and much of college. My eyes just couldn't take it anymore, so I've gone back to glasses.


Lighter-weight-than-before glasses.


What is the prescription, Makutaman? Mine were -5.00 in the left, -5.25 in the right. My little brother wears -9.00 in each eye.

(Negative numbers correct myopia (nearsightedness), while positive numbers correct hyperopia (farsightedness). 0.00 lenses are cosmetic and do not alter vision.)



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I haven't gotten the chance to see the prescription quite yet. I have temporary contacts now, and the actual contacts will be in around Friday or Saturday. But I am nearsighted, so it will be a negative. My right eye is worse than my left. But do you know how to get contacts out without too much pain?! GAH, it's evil I tell you! And you were right, my whites do turn red when I try to get my contacts out :P .


But I got the contacts because, for some reason or another, I got placed in the back in some of my classes and I'm having a really hard time looking at what's on the board. Hopefully in the future though, I won't need them.

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First rule of contact lenses: WASH YOUR HANDS.

Second rule of contact lenses:Keep your fingernails trimmed and the edges worn down. It hurts like the Dickens (and the Lewis and the Faulkner) when fingernail dust gets in the already sensitive eye.

Third rule of contact lenses: WASH YOUR HANDS. I MEAN IT.


The easiest way for me to remove a contact lens was to place the middle finger of my left hand and the ring finger of my right hand on the eyebrow and cheekbone, respectively, and tug to keep the eye open. Looking straight ahead, gently pinch (WITH FRESHLY WASHED HANDS) the contact lens off with the right thumb and index finger. Should stick to one of the two fingers, or fall no further than the palm of your hand.


The kicker for me was to put them in. That was a chore I did not look forward to every other Saturday. (I wore disposables for two weeks at a time.)




Edit: As far as not needing contacts later on, any responsible optometrist or opthamologist will tell you not to get corrective surgery until your mid 20's, at the very earliest: my prescription changed when I was 22, and my eyes had actually improved, from -5.50 in each eye to what I posted above.

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