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A Lesson From Politics?

ToM Dracone


People are much more inclined to cooperate with you, even if they disagree, when you personally serve them cookies.


This has applications in many aspects of life. I think it works along the same principles as why it's much harder to insult or slander someone or other such unkind things when you're saying it to them in person than with some sort of distance between you.


(and if anyone starts talking about politics I will have to hurt you.)

~ ToM


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Who's serving cookies? :lookaround:


Isn't that more like bribery? "Give me the location of the rebel base... and I'll give you a cookie."



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People are more likely to agree with you if you have a weapon.




AND have cookies.


Also, as The Boondocks have taught me, some people are easily swayed by cheeses of decent quality.



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Oh my god -- I just watched 88 Minutes, with Al Pacino. (Awesome flick, btw. Pacino plays a forensic psychiatrist with 88 minutes to solve the case of his own impending murder. [!]) There's a scene in the beginning where these dudes from the FBI come to ask him some questions. Before they get down to business, Al offers them -- you guessed it -- cookies and milk. While this gesture achieves nothing in a practical sense, it does soften the edges of a situation that ends up rather tense in itself.


It's true: hospitality and good manners do make a difference when you've got difficult issues to hammer out with somebody.



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