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I've Devised A Game

Wrinkledlion X


It's called "Corks."


The two players sit across from each other at a table. One person starts out with the cork from a wine bottle, and he stands it on its end, upright, on the table. He then places his finger halfway across and pushes down hard until it jumps forward a few feet. The goal is more-or-less to hit the other player, but points are also awarded for air and distance. If the other player catches the cork in his hand or elbow, he gets points for himself.


Penalties are given when you hit your opponent's eyes or nose, but the rest of the body and face is fair game. If you happen to accidentally hit a religious medallion with your cork, your opponent is required to penalize you by throwing squids at you. (If squids are unavailable, other fishing lures will do.)


Also, place a bucket a few feet behind each player's chair. If you manage to get the cork in, you get extra points.

Play until bored.


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