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First Person



*do not trigger the censor, do not trigger the censor...*


Nobody cares about me. I need attenton so I wanted to be annoying.!




Anyhow... I've forgotten how much I enjoy writing in first person. I can include quirky and witty remarks in the general sentences without difficulty, something that doesn't quite work for an unbiased omnipresent narrator that usually appears in my third person stories. And for the record, I don't think I've ever written a first person Bionicle story. Strange.


However, I can't resist starting it out with "My name is..." Animorphs has so totally molded my writing techniques.


And for anybody who is interested, I am starting to rewrite Ouch. It's actually easier because I have some saved reference material, so it's not all from memory.




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Kumata Nuva preferred to write in third-person (limited or omniscient, whichever he felt best suited the tone of the story). Sure, he thought, it's standard and doesn't engage the reeader as easily, but it's the kind most readers are familiar with and the one I've had the most practise in.


On reflection, Kumata suddenly wondered if he had actually been favouring prose.



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You preferred to right in second person.


You sportively found it annoying to write in soon enough however, and decided to continue in first person.

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Animorphs was awesome. :3

54, though... Isn't that an awfully random number to end a series with?

Yes it was.

Isn't it an awfully big number to end a series with?

And no, don't start off by telling who the narrator is. Wait a few pages/paragraphs and have someone call out their name. Or better yet, wait a whole chapter or something to confuse us all! (I've read books like that, took me forever to figure out who it was narrating.



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Well, thought Kumata Nuva as he skimmed over the subsequent entries, perhaps it might be fun to write in second person too.


So you decide to try it. However, you suddenly feel awkward by the sudden shift in narrative viewpoint and decide to try first-person.


Turns out it isn't that bad, actually. I might just stick with this.



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You think that writing in second person is very awkward. You should try to write a short story like that and see if anyone else can read it.
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