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Cot Thread

MT Zehvor


At the request of Mesonak, and because every time I add an entry it gets way off topic, I present the completely off topic thread, where you can talk about anything completely off topic.




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Thanks MT. This should fix the problem. Now, Levacius, for the last time, JANEX CAN BEAT YOU! And I shall prove it! How.............................I don't know.

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Time to show you why she would die in a second. Oh, and by way, has anyone told you that your big white head looks wierd on your big black body. And you won't be dissing me when you see the new me: Black Levacius.


You would never win. Plus, my spear beats yours any day!


-Levacius the Guaridan :flagusa:

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*Sigh...* I get that all the time about my head. BUT I AM A SKELETON! I am supposed to have a white head! Also, my weapons are a Psychic Shadow Blade, a Shadow Boomerang, Laser Vision, Krazor missles, and my surfboard which can become a shield. Even if Janex didn't win against you, I would.

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Indeed, you are powerful But I, Levacius, have one secret weapon that no one else can use. Summoning my mask power, I could cloak myself is energy, and then release it along with all my elemental power in a nova blast. Plus, your lightning cannot hurt me. All that it could hope to accomplish would be charring my armor more than it already is. Speaking of that....


Behold! I am Levacius, toa of lightning! Fear me!


I could easily defeat Janex in a fight. Plus, if you delve into ancient history, you may find that I have some certain powers that no one but me knows about. And that is... I won't tell you yet.


I also have another strange power. But my epic will explain that......


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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If I teleport you into different dimensions, will it really matter?


No offense to you, Levacius, but Mesonak's MoC is better. When I see Mesonak's MoC (and I try to forget about the Krika legs) I think "warlord." Your MoC screams.. "stick figure with a Tridak pod stuck on a staff."


EDIT: Does anyone want to settle this by me making an epic Levacius vs. Mesonak chapter? The winner would be decided by number of votes each one gets for who would win in a battle...or not, if you want me to decide.



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We could do it there, or here, as a separate entry. I guess you and Levacius should decide. Where do you want it, here, or TBTTRAH?



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I vote here in this blog. I don't want TBTTRAH deluded.


Plus, as you may notice, I can fly. Plus, I have another power, but if I told you all, in might spoil the suprise in the end of my epic that keeps everyone on hold during the final fight I'm planning. So I can't do my secret weapons yet. Plus, I will be gone for a short time, so I call the fight date of: February 20th. By that point, my epic will be complete, and no spoilers will be let out.


So get Janex made. Get your epic to reveal all her powers. But if you have any knoledge of mythical creatures, you may recognize this word for my secret powers: Lich.


If you know the true meaning of this word, or at least what is written in the D&D Monster Manual version 2.0 by Gary Gygax, then you will shudder. It's not my fault though. I'm still good.


Oh I can't wait till my final chapter: Chapter Ten (I'll conclude it in Guardians of Quarzyx, which dosen't feature me in it. But be warned, I'll be killing things every chapter in Guardians of Quarzyx and my new world I'm working on, Zyrania. In Zyrania, I'll be having people dying like crazy. He gets ripped in half, he gets piked, blah blah.)


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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So that's 1 for, 1 against. Then here's what we'll do. I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 10. Guess away.


One more thing. You have to send me a PM with your weapons, powers, and how you plan to defeat the other.



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42 :P .


No. How about.. 5? Or maybe your going up.. then 7! But if you're going down... 5. Oh, we don't want a commedy to battle in! We want an actual fight going on here. Just do it in this place. MT, how about you ask the other people in TBTTRAH. They'll tell you to put it somewhere else. They want The Bionicles running a house. Plus, you and me are both in the Luxury Resort.


Come on Mesonak. Do you really want some funny fight? How about you think about this: Would Janex want to fight in a commedy, or would she crave to do real battle against another being.


Then again, I doubt MT could write something other than a commedy to save his life. No offense, but seriously... you're not seroius enough MT. Or maybe you could use this as a test to prove that you can write something other than a commedy?


I'll send you my Bio. But I'll have to give away one spoiler......


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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Okay. I'll get eh MOC made. After that, how about you and me fight? I'll send you Janex's and my bio. I have no secrets. I will lay it all out.

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Yippe. And in case you don't know, the reason I picked seven is.....


In my dads truck....


"Hey dad, what's the.."




"No. What's the..."




Back here....


We're a goofy family. Plus, 7X6 is 42. And thats the answer to the ultimate question. What is the ultimate question? I don't know!


Boxtus Arena. I can see it now.....


In the fight.....


"Hello and welcome to Boxtus Arena, where we are proud to present the pic and slightly unfair looking fight: Levacius v.s. Mesonak and Janex!" the announcer shouted.


"Levacius! Levacius! Levacius!...." one side chanted.


Back here...


Levacius! Levacius! Levacius! Levacius! Levacius! Levacius! Levacius! Levacius! Ooops.. sory. Got carried away. Well, one of me against two of them. One of them is a homocidal skeleton, and the other is a homocidal toa. This will be fun.... if I don't make it MT, send my possessions to 53521 Niles Street in Etyb, California.


And MT... do we have any cliffs and caves I can make use of the terrain of here in Boxtus?


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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Guys, I'm going to be off site for a while. None of you will see me again until.... Monday. Then I'll be away again, and be back on Thursday. See you all.


EDIT: Just noticed this; Rahkshiking, what did you do with your turtle?


-Levacius the Guardian :flagusa:

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And MT... do we have any cliffs and caves I can make use of the terrain of here in Boxtus?


It's a cardboard box. What do you think?



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