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90 To Nothing

Watashi Wa




the chucks

me and a friend

my favorite <3


the pep rally was in the dark, they gave us glowinthedark bracelets

i was so tired

me and my date

all of us

we're awesome


Goodness, this week/weekend has been crazy.


So it was Homecoming week at my school. Sounds like fun, eh? Well, in a way, it was. It just didn't seem as fun as previous years have been, though. Maybe it was because the week was so short? (We had Monday off...there was some teachers conference thing). I dunno. But anywho...Tuesday was Hillbilly day. It was crazy seeing how many people came as "red-necks" instead of actual hillbillies. Wednesday was Back in Time day. Myeh. Thursday was the best day of all - Spirit Day. Only because we got to wear jeans with our homecoming shirts. It's amazing how much better school is when you are in comfortable instead of stinkin' uniforms.


Thursday was too incredibly long. After school, me and a friend went to pick up our tuxes. They looked good. Paid for them. Went to Starbucks. Then back to school to watch the volleyball game. Our girls should have completely creamed the other team (who were from the same school our football team was playing). But, they lost one matc, and managed to win the rest, and eventually the game. The football game was completely boring. I didn't really watch it; I was manning our "Spirit Wall (another whole story...) and trying to get people to vote for it for the Peoples Choice Award. We lost the football game. Something like 35-15. So everyone was pretty much in a bad mood. Then, after the game, went to Sonic to hang out with some friends. Finally got home around 12.


Friday, got to sleep in a little, but I woke up around 11. Didn't do much. Fell back asleep around 1 and woke up around 2:45, took a shower to get ready for the Homecoming reception. Got ready, left, went to pick up the dates corsage, met at my friends house, took a few pictures, went to the Alabama Shakesphere place to meet up with our dates to take even MORE pictures, got in my friends Expedition, drove downtown to the reception, got our tables, took even MORE pictures, and finally sat down to eat. I had to escort my date in front of everybody because they were calling out all of the senior football/volleyball/cheerleaders. That was fun. After that, at some more. The food was pretty good. Once we were done, decided that we wanted to go bowling. Had some free games, only bowled one game. Went to a friends house. Had some cookies and milk. Mmmm. Went home.


Saturday, had to wake up around 8:45 to get ready to go into work. Worked from 10am to 2pm. After that, went to the State Fair. Was there until around 7 or so. Went home. Watched Trinity Blood and Bleach. Went to sleep.


I finally got to sleep in today until around 1:30 or so.


So, that's why I haven't been on BZP the past few days. I've been really busy. However, I should be on more frequently this week. I'm gettin these first few trades done, so I'll be sending these sets out soon.


I should be getting my Xbox360 back soon, too. Looking forward to that.


Recommended Comments

You loser (just kidding). What happened to a pink tux?! :P Anyway, Starbucks is always fun B) . Homecoming week starts at my school this week. I ain't going because it's both 1.) a girl's too shallow to go out, 2.) I just don't do dances. And another thing, I got a PSAT coming up, 9 weeks/quarterly exams coming up too. The majority of the girls at my school need to get a reality check on some issues..... A lil freaky here, but ya get used to it. Later.

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