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Neccy's Take On The Nintendo Dsi



So, what does a reformed former Nintendo fanboy think about his old "How dare you?" company's latest bid at the handheld market, a market they've dominated and had a huge part in the popularization of since it's inception, and, depending on who you ask, also in the creation of it?


I don't like it.


For one, if they switch to a new format and force me to a DSi, turning DS Lite's into a dying breed to the point you hunt for them to be able to play an old GBA game, I'm going to be ticked, because there are plenty of old GBA games that are much better than most things the DS, and likely DSi as well, have and will have to offer.


On that note, why the heck are they forcing people to the DSi? You've always continued the old one for a few months beforehand, why stop now?


Plus I'm pretty sure the GBA SP is still sold. Do we really need a new DS then if something that old is still liked?


Also, if you cut down so much space like you claim, couldn't you have kept the standard DS Lite casing, put all the new stuff in that, made it the same thickness and kept the GBA slot while still adding what you want? Then have the normal DS Lite as your basic model and the "fat DSi" as the higher-end model.


And why the heck do I need internet, two cameras, a thinner system, an SD card slot and an MP3/movie player in my handheld? I have my iPod Touch for all that, thanks, and it does all of it better, except for the camera bit, which I intend to resolve after I get a copy of the Fire Emblem game coming out soon and a telecaster via a small digital camera. And for that matter, if the internet is anything like the Opera internet on the DS and DS Lite, then it already sucks; that internet was awful, some of the worst $30 I've spent, though at least I got the RAM-pack-thing or whatever that clear dummy cartridge was.


And if they price it anything above $150, then they're just gouging the customers.


Oh, and don't get it in "Onyx", the grey looks awful and really black and white I think we can all agree were the best finishes for the DS Lite and likely will be for the DSi.


I expect my successors in the Nintendo fanboy/fangirl department will storm in and flame me now. Go ahead whether you are amongst them or not, but know I will respond with fire, sharp fangs and fiery sharp fangs if you make baseless remarks or remarks not relating to the subject matter.


I will buy it readily if Shigeru(sp?) Miyamoto comes to my house after learning basic English and says "Hello, I am Shigeru Miyamoto. I would like to be your friend. Please buy a DSi." to me and then plays on my Wii with me though. =3


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That's the one reason why certain gaming systems now and then get me all mad cause the keep coming out with new ones and you're so afraid to buy one, cause in a few months another one may come out and may make yours obsolete. Sometimes an update is great, but most of the time it's so terrible for people who just can't afford to keep up.


This is one reason why I'm not buying a ds again (don't have one anymore), or maybe anymore handhelds for awhile.

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Hmmm... I agree with you on many points here. However, I don't think they're forcing you to purchase another DS. In America at least, the DS Lite is still selling like hotcakes. So they're going to be marketing them as separate products with different capabilities. Sort of like they did with the DS Fat and the GBASP. ;)


I personally will be getting one, just because my DS snapped in half. My SP works fine though, but I need something for all ma DS games :P

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One point that I didn't understand, you said that they are forcing us to buy it. How so? Isn't it just going to play DS games? Why couldn't I just keep my DS Lite?

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One point that I didn't understand, you said that they are forcing us to buy it. How so? Isn't it just going to play DS games? Why couldn't I just keep my DS Lite?


A friend of mine thinks that they're going to end up making a new format for the DSi that used the MicroSD slot or something like that. It's just a theory, but he's been right on this kinda stuff on the past, so I figured I'd put it down.

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Woah, you have a blog?


Anyways, I hope they don't force you to buy it, but they did add DSi-Ware. Besides, the SD card thing can only add bigger games, even though most DS games are better than the majority of Wii games anyway... The cameras do seem kind of useless, though.


I think this is all more-so to compete with things such as the PSP and iPhone. Oh, and the fact that sales were dropping in Japan.

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