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Woes Of... Co Curricular Activities?



Most of the members here have an active role of some society made by the school, or at least supervised by the school or the community, which sounds interesting and fun. I don't mind the Scouts tales, and manga clubs, music clubs (oh, they're the most interesting).


I would not be lying that I am turning a bit green. With envy, not sickness.


I'm in a bit of a limbo right now, considering my co curricular activity to participate in during my time as a polytechnic student.


I had, at first, shown great interest in a new kid on the CCA (Co Curricular Activity) block: The DJ Club. No, it's not radio DJing, but music DJing. Scratching vinyl hip-hop and beat-juggling and making the infamous playlists that grow as tall as you do, that sort of stuff.


I'm wondering if I made a smart choice.


The pending period for the people is still on. The top DJ (or, arguably the top DJ) of the country's the trainer, it's a new skill that many teenagers who are into hip-hop or dance music (like me) would covet for. I already made some friends. I'm wowed by the future teacher's skills. I can catch the rhythm and beat, can count my beats too, am not tone-deaf, and also pride myself with a good pair of hands. What's more, since the club is new, they're skill-searching for future committee members, and strangely enough I'm labelled as a favourite.


I don't see why I can't join.


The catch: I'm plunging head-first into a rough world, where the music can be harsh and blaring to my ears which I need for a future job as a recording producer, and the politics of DJ circles another good point I have to consider. I wonder if I'm plunging into this on a whim.


If I turn around one day and say that DJing is not for me, I would have made a regrettable choice.



So, if I don't join the DJs Club, where do I go?


The Creative Writing Workshop which I lamented about has turned into a Creative Writing Club, a CCA. It's the perfect place to sharpen my brain and writing skills, not to mention that it'll give my fanfiction a well-needed boost. Interest-wise, I have a higher interest in writing than in DJing. It's a whole lot calmer and quieter too!


I can live off dance music by composing my own, anyway.


I've made some friends from the Creative Writing Workshop too. I'm establishing myself to be one of the more experienced writers there (THANK YOU BZP!) and I'm giving the lecturer-in-charge the run for her money by asking her for tips, tricks and the what-not in moulding and sculpting my writing style. I don't think I'll go to the ranks of Tolkien or ToM Dracone or Tuan Taureo, Jack London or Janus, Hahli Husky, Schizo Kaita, and other members of the Elite Writers' Club, (No, that club doesn't exist. The writers do. Oh yes they do.) but I'd like to be somewhere there.


Also, the polytechnic has a certain 'extra-activity' which is to get student ambassadors for the school to 'advertise' their courses and facilities to future students. Etiquette, public speaking and capturing the youth's attention are a few of the skills to be learned from the experience, and it'll look good on my resumé!


Well, maybe this post has finally sorted out my thoughts properly. Glad to have written it.


Now all I gotta do is to find my lecturers and tell them my plans. I'm not going for the DJ Club anymore, but the Creative Writing Club and Student Ambassador are on my list.


BUT, I'm still not sure... I'm still not sure...


Now, to find a place where I can put up a podcast...


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Don't not-join something you want to join just because you think you might back out of it at a later date! Seriously, if you think it'll be fun and useful, join it and don't look back! RARGH!


However, Writing Groups are a lot of fun. I'm a part of a Writing Group at my library, and it's always a good time, even if I can't always make it. The group I go to has a mindbogglingly diverse set, and I'm generally the youngest there, which is actually pretty awesome.


It's always nice to have an impartial, constructive and informed opinion on your works in progress.



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Hear some of my work? Giganuva, you've got to be kiddin' me. It's mainly dance music I'm into, but I'll let a hip-hop track or two slip in.


Seriously, if you think it'll be fun and useful, join it and don't look back! RARGH!


Ack! I thought I sorted it out in my head! Now I wanna join the club! Argharghargh... arf.


I will need to think a little more...




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