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Bbc 52 Entry W H O O P S



Yesterday... a different site:


OK, godangit. Thanks Arp, I'm inspired now.

Immediately signing off the internet for the rest of the night to start making something for this contest.

Coffee and hand-rolled menthol cigarettes ON!


Eheh... I ask you, does this look ANYTHING like a gun for BBC #52?







No, no it does not.


Can't complain though. Getting sidetracked one night and creating something COMPLETELY WRONG is oodles better than procrastinating and doing nothing at all.


One minute I'm going through bins looking for parts, next minute I'm segregating minifig parts, then... I build a base for them to hang around in.

On a good note, if I can do THAT in one night by "accident", then maybe one of the remaining nights I'll actually do a gun.


Now... to recreate the same mocing conditions and try again... hand-rolled menthol cigarettes... a few pots of coffee... and a marathon of uncensored, fan-restored, "lost" Beavis and Butthead episodes.


On to season 3! : D


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Hey, for me, that monitor is freaking HUGE. I never had one that big... or that clear... or that bright. Looks like it was NEVER used. No scratches, dents, yellowing... anything. Don't let the size of the structure belittle your perception of the monitor's size. :lol:


Found it with a "free" sign on someone's porch at 2AM.

I ran home like a bat out of Hades, grabbed my wife's electric mobility scooter and sat it in the driver's chair to get it home as I walked beside it steering (no car lol).


Why someone would get rid of a factory-freaking-perfect monitor like that instead of selling it is beyond me.

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Those aren't hand rolled menthols. Didn't even know they made packs of the grape.



Dude, I ran through all, oh, like 50 of them before I hit the grape cigars.



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But I haven't used it since the desktop died (still can't get it working...luckily I had backed up everythiing) and I got this laptop. It's in my house though!



My desktop is on the way out, but I have a laptop in reserve. Honestly, unless I'm in a park or something, it's going to be hooked up to it. I can't imagine ever going back to small or so-so laptop monitors if I can help it.


It's like watchin' tv, it is.



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Love the thing on top. Is that trans-pink? Use it as the aetheric ray capacitor on your funky-retro-mad-scientist ray gun.


Also, true fact, one never ends up building exactly what one intends. My entry started out as a squirt gun, then I found some blue panels, and...

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Can't complain though. Getting sidetracked one night and creating something COMPLETELY WRONG is oodles better than procrastinating and doing nothing at all.
I started out trying to build a gun and ended up with half a multi-legged tank thing. :wacko:
Found it with a "free" sign on someone's porch at 2AM.
What were you doing on someone's porch at 2AM?
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Lol. I was just walking through town, taking pics under a full moon. Noticed it from the street, duh.


I started out trying to build a gun and ended up with half a multi-legged tank thing.

That doesn't sound like a bad tradeoff.


Y'know? I never really tried to make a gun using one of those arrow launchers.

It seemed like it'd just be some DISASTROUS monstrosity that would either not fire or have a hair-pin trigger that wouldn't let you even pick it up.


Man, was I stupid.

Floobed around all night and wound up with a pretty dang simple configuration. Even better, the only rubberband in use is one to keep the trigger in the right position, though I could probably remove that in place of some clever config with one of those spring pistons. (HATE using rubber bands on mocs.)


Success! Feels right and is dependable! I'm shocked.


No, I WON'T shoot my eye out.


It feels so right, I want to pull a Chocolate Frogs at some point in the future and make a matching pair.


That Gali looks kinda cool. More pics?



Maybe later. It's a Frankensteiner right now. After I armor her up right and all that jazz in the correct colors and stuff, it'll be a moc and'll have her own topic. : p


Love the thing on top. Is that trans-pink? Use it as the aetheric ray capacitor on your funky-retro-mad-scientist ray gun.

Don't think I didn't think that right off the bat. So like, get out of my head.

It'd be funny... but it also seems too goofy to execute. And now that I got the launching mechanism down, it'd be even that much harder to squeak in.



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is that a Felnas warplane?

Nah, just the beginning of a humanoid moc. : p


To the Radiak-mobile!

I should build a few different ones and give'em their own topic. That one's been built, like, since the mask came out. The back of the buggy is his lil' buddy's mask.

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Wow, I'm too normal.

Actually, the majority of the people who commented here that said they got something different when they tried to make a gun are the normal ones, as they are the majority. Therfore, you are crazy different. :P

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Alright. I must be on to something here.

I've hit that stage where I'm carrying the moc around the house with me in one hand while going about daily life with the rest of me.


That's a good sign. I think it's like wanting it close so I can burn a configuration that pops into my head visually... without having to run and find the moc, hoping I still remember by the time I get there. Ideas are like that usually. If I don't have a pen and paper with me, chances are whatever cool thing (Lego or otherwise) I thought up is going to be TOAST by the time I do.


The other nice thing is I'm picking it up and my brain overcompensates a second, expecting the weight of a normal gun. That has to be a good thing.


Gun's lookin' nice. It has a swing-up video viewfinder on the back.

I got scared for a minute... I put the dart in and it wouldn't fire! I thought maybe I'd moved something while erecting housing over the mechanism, but as it turns out it was just the (weakly designed) axle connector atop the cannon's launcher switch was so old and brittle that there was a hairline crack. Instead of putting another one on, I used an axle joint with the friction hole instead. Now it's WAY more dependable.


Too bad one can't easily jack up the tension on the Lego arrow launcher's spring so the projectiles don't drop so soon after firing.

I taught my friends in elementary and high school how to take apart the launchers from their Transformers (which all were NEUTERED when they came to the USA because of Draconian safety laws)... then replacing the intentionally short springs with springs from their pens lol.


But... it's not as easy as turning a screw and compromising a snap joint to get inside a Lego launcher, unfortunately.

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