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Now With Patio



T-Hybrid is currently in the middle of a SAD group project and review for a SAD Exam. His guest writer has 'volunteered' to fill in.


Good evening all, HGM back in the game after what feels like an eternity! I've been worked a bit extra as of late to make up for the damage caused my little bout with Santiramon. But the good news is I've worked off my debt to that extent and now the Haven comes complete in patio. Plans were to celebrate the Twins postseason success...but as you know that fell a bit short. The boss is still a bit sore on that so I'll leave it go at that.


I don't know if T-Boss knows this, but he made it on ESPN a few days back. Game 2 I think. Some girls were waving signs about Boof and there he was sitting in front of them. Red cap, blue jacket...maybe you saw him? This would be the second time he's gotten on TV at a Twins game in the past year. Last year wouldn't have been as closeup, but was still pretty cool. Micheal Cuddyer hammered a ball into left-field. It went over his head, but you can see him clear as day standing with his dad and celebrating. He was pretty excited about it. He was talking about something similar happening before Game 2. Same sorta situation. Some people got interviewed because of their "Punto For President" sign and he thinks he may have been in the background.


My life, however, has been anything but exciting. Like I said before, T's been off with classes while I worked my debt off. The place hasn't been as bouncing as before, most likely because he hasn't written anything that exciting. (Well, not in my eyes. But I'm a ten-story dinosaur, so it takes a lot to get me paying attention). That's about all I got for ya today. Now I gotta go back and cover the patio. I'm hoping the boss will be hiring some new help soon. Ten-stories or not it's still a pain to cover two places at once.


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It's going to be tough to track down the two most recent appearances, most of the people I knew weren't able to catch the 2nd game.


The Cuddyer homer, however, is somewhere on MLB.com. You'd be looking for something from the late 2005 season. August or so. I'll see if I can find a link and put it up.

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