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I Want To Know Something...

Franz Joseph Haydn


Mowaku, or whatever, Why do you bash Greg? That man has worked incredibly hard for you, and yet you DO NOT give him respect, now, I honor your Freedom of Speech, but I ask you why you would try and do such a thing, such a thing to insult the Writer of BIONICLE? All he ever did was ;try and make BIONICLE Enjoyable.





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The worst thing mowaku said about Greg's writing is that it is "kinda cheesy and bland." I don't think that qualifies as bashing or insulting.

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He didn't insult or flame him; he just stated his opinion about Greg's writing style. He's entitled to that.


What other people started doing isn't really his fault.

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The problem doesn't start when somebody gives their opinion of chidren's books. The problem starts when other people listen to them.

I mean, if a boy aged 9-11 complained about Greg's work, I might listen to him because that's who Bionicle is supposed to be for. But an older fan should remember this; the franchise isn't for you. You're entitled to like it or dislike it, but it's going to seem mighty irrelevant if you try to complain about it.


*Ahem* long comment. xp


But that's how it should be. It's when an older fan ignores common sense and complains anyway that these problems start to happen.

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I'm still working on this, I need to go through that topic and some GregF Quotes.

Do yourself a favor. Before even making a rant or calling people out for something they never did, why don't you fully read the topic and whatever details.


Cuz if you don,t it makes you look like a fool when you accuse someone of insulting Greg when all he said was that his writing was cheesy.



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