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Well, in the last class of the day which is what we people call "7th Period" or the period where I get to sit on a computer and listen to a teacher tell me how to do all these fun little formulas of which I really, really hate. Anyways, yeah, I do happen to have a small crush on someone within my 1st, and 7th period class.


For first period, it just so happens that the Language Teacher wishes to see how much of a fool I can make myself out to be by pairing me up with the person above of whom will be called something later cuz I'm A) Not allowed to use their names on the internet without permission, nor would I anyway and B ) because I has nothing on my mind that sounds appropriate enough.


So, I end up having to read my introduction to my anthology to her, of course, I actually did my homework this time and so actually had it and couldn't worm my way out of it. (Though, she had to read hers anyway XP), and, I admit... I didn't really hand over any praise, or really any comment... I'm a nervous wreck IRL in front of people of whom I either don't know, or just don't want to look stupid in front of. (Dunno why I'm like that).


So, after I read mine I feel bad. She pretty much loved it, and said that I used word choices well, along with my only two spelling errors (I didn't use spell check, nor did I read it before this XP) and she also liked my ability at figurative language. Now, why does this make me feel bad? Well, because I didn't really comment on hers... I just had a blank mind and all, but I should have thought of something.


Gah, it was the morning anyway. I can blame being tired.


In 7th period, I have the same class as that person, which is Comp II. I don't care for that class personally, but I have to live with it cuz I forgot what it was. Sooooo... at the end of the period, we're all standing wanting to go (Would have gotten out five minutes early, but someone had to say something <<) and I somewhat looked around the room, trying to find something to kill my time.




She was looking at me... why? I dunno, maybe I looked like a moron standing around and she was the only person to pay attention, maybe I had something behind my head, or maybe it was just cuz some other reason I dunno about.


The fact of the matter is: I dunno. Buuuuuuttttttt


Nope, no idea.


Soooo... ummm... yeah, that's about it.


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Sometimes people staring at you is because they're not actually staring at you, like sometimes people forget what they're looking at and then realize they're staring at someone.

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@ Roomba. When the assassins start going after you, paranoia is the only thing that's gonna keep you alive. Believe me, I know. :P


Annnnnnnyhow. I had an experience like that in Seventh Grade, back when I was a nervous wreck, when I was paired with her to read off our a Social Studies "Slave Diary" thing, and hers was good and mine sucked. -___-


'Cept I think I complimented her on it. =P

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