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Organic Chemistry



Best. SHP course. For a second semester senior. EVER.


So basically we do labs and take a break in the middle to eat free food that the teacher brings. This week and last week we've been making aspirin.


And we're not even always on task in the labs. This week (today, that would be) the teacher was like, "Okay I don't have all the materials for the next step so while I go get them ready you can all play with the dry ice over there."


... I'm sure you can imagine. People came up with some crazy things. Fill a lab glove with a handful of dry ice and some water, tie off the end, and shake it: glove balloon. Same effect if you mix the dry ice and water in a beaker and hold the glove tight against the top. At one point we dumped a bunch of dry ice into boiling water, generating an epic volcano of wispy, foggy, sublimating carbon dioxide that literally shot up seven feet into the air from the beaker, and I mean it was amazing. One group accidentally froze their beaker to the table. With some use of the suction equipment and hot water I was able to dissolve the rest of the dry ice and get it unstuck for them. The same group dumped what must have been two beakerfulls of dry ice into their sink, and just turned on the hot water tap, creating a massive curtain of fog that spread out over the lab table. Someone said, "Looks like an onsen." XD


At one point one guy tried adding liquid from what appeared to be a distilled water bottle but, judging by the smell, actually contained alcohol. The alcohol, dry ice, and water reacted noisily and violently and we're still not sure why, but we sure as heck didn't try it again more than once or twice. Also, did you know that if you dampen a lab table and slide a chunk of dry ice across it it'll slide as smooth as a hockey puck? It's 'cause the bottom is in contact with the water so it sublimates, and the carbon dioxide gas sort of cushions it up like an air hockey table. Really pretty nifty.


So we learned a lot about cool stuff you can do with dry ice. Not as much about aspirin. Next week the teacher is gonna bring in some liquid nitrogen. Wonder what I should bring in to flash-freeze... think my sister will notice if a goldfish goes missing?


Oh yeah, today's February 14th, isn't it. Well, didn't really feel like a holiday to me, but I guess I'll wish everyone else a happy Singles Appreciation Day.




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