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First. Blog. Ever.

Pakari Master of Limn


Oh, well imagine; as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,

and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:

"What a beautiful wedding!", "What a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter.

"And yes, but what a shame, what a shame, the poor groom's bride is a (shhhhh)"


-----I just can't seem to get that song out of my head these days. I'll admit, the first time i had heard of Panic, I was watching MTV2. Their music video came up, and I was all, "Great. Just what we need. Another gothic rock band." So i just go on with my daily life.

-----Then, a couple weeks later, i go to the store to look for a videogame, and my younger brother is with me. Now remember, I'm seventeen, and he's fourteen. So he goes into the CD section of Target. I walk out with nothing (blast the speedy consumers!) and he walks out with a CD with the weirdest looking album cover. I ask him, "who did you get this time?" He says, "Panic! at the Disco." I'm like, "that sounds vaguely familiar." I ask him if i would know any of their songs. He starts singing the refrain from the above-mentioned song. I'm all, "OHHHH! that one, ok."

----So we get home, he pops it in my radio, because his is broken (i tend to lean toward the sledgehammer theory). I'm listening, and lo and behold, I find myself really getting into this!!!

----These days, I can't go an hour without beginning to hum a Panic song in my head. I have researched them on wikipedia, too. It seems that Fall Out Boy (yes, the same ones who toured with Nintendo) helped them get their start. Panic contacted them through their ######## page. In direct relation, in one of Fall Out Boy's music videos, A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me, they actually had one of Panic's members as a guest-star.


I guess all this stuff shows that you can NEVER judge a band by their music video. Fine, book by their cover, blah blah blah...



----In other news, I'm still a little cheesed off that I didn't even get into the finals of the Skinz Contest. I mean, i worked from sun up that saturday 'till five that sunday. I put all my non-existant darkness into that (<-- explanation for that later). I don't know whose that was, but that bright yellow and silver ones really hurt my eyes. And I'm a guy who can star at a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee for twenty-four straight hours. Like I said, though, I'm glad that Air Master's Mata Nui won, though. We need at least one great being skin.

----Oh, and speaking of skins, binky, if you're reading this, when are ya gonna implement them???



----On a final note, please, if anyone likes what they see in my banners or avatars, feel free to PM me. I literally get more joy out of graphic art than i do videogames. Maybe that's why i have stuck with Bionicle so long. I'm a creator at heart. So, please if you need something done, just PM me.



~Giganuva Upsilon

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Hey, I could use an avatar. There is this game called Gears of War, and the logo looks like a spray-painted skull with a gear around it. I guess its called a "Crimson Omen". So can I get that in a avatar?
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